Data Services

Data Services

Understanding global environmental issues requires robust computational resources, as well as efficient data access, storage and archiving systems.

Within the NCEO, the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) supports scientists by: 

JASMIN provides the computational infrastructure for these services, offering flexible computing options ranging from high-performance computing (HPC) with data-adjacent processing to customised cloud infrastructure and GPU computing.

Key collaborations:

  • CEDA acts as data archive for many ESA Climate Change Initiative projects, as well as large climate multi-model ensembles such as CMIP6.
  • Supports the Copernicus Climate Change Service (CCCS).
  • UKRI Net-Zero Digital Research Infrastructure (DRI) Scoping Project . 

Search datasets

NCEO produces various datasets related to climate change, including measurements of greenhouse gases, atmospheric composition, land surface changes and ocean health.

Our datasets are valuable for understanding the dynamics of climate change on a global scale and informing policies and actions to address it.

Globe showing networks
Global communication network concept.