Welcome to the UK Joint GEO/CEOS Office

The UK’s Joint GEO/CEOS Office is hosted by NCEO, on behalf of the UK Earth Observation community, to interface to two major international initiatives: the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) and the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS).

Alongside DSIT (GEO Policy lead) and the UK Space Agency (CEOS Policy lead), NCEO is working to increase the visibility of GEO to the UK Earth Observation community, facilitating and coordinating the UK’s inputs to GEO and CEOS. We disseminate information about CEOS and GEO activities, get community feedback, and host GEO and CEOS events in the UK. The joint GEO/CEOS office is funded by DSIT, NERC/NCEO, and the UK Space Agency.

Satellites are particularly useful because they can collect data from across the globe every month, week or even day.

GEO 2023-2025 Work Programme

GEO Knowledge Hub

GEO and data sharing
Important GEO and CEOs Events in 2024/2024
  • 38th CEOS Plenary: October 22nd – 24th, 2024 | Montreal, Canada
  • GEO Global Forum “The Earth Talks”: May 5th – 9th, 2025 | Rome, Italy
  • 39th CEOS Plenary: November 4th – 6th, 2025 | Bath, UK
About us

DSIT supplies the UK policy lead for GEO; NCEO provides the science lead for GEO on behalf of NERC; the UK Space Agency provides the UK space link for GEO and interfaces to the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS).

Keep in Touch

Subscribe to the mailing list for the latest news and events from GEO and CEOS.

Contact Svetlana Zolotikova (NCEO International Project Coordinator) for further info.

Government and Space Agencies

NCEO works with the UK Space Agency, the European Space Agency (ESA), Eumetsat, the EC Copernicus programme and NASA to support  high quality science.

NCEO has the responsibility, on behalf of NERC, to convey the needs and aspirations of the whole NERC community to the UK Space Agency and to ESA in which the UK invests to support environmental science from space.