Nezha Acil Research Associate EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests My research interests revolve around Earth Observation, geocomputation, landscape ecology and forest conservation. Current focus is on studying global forest dynamics as captured…
Archives: People
Jesse Alexander
Jesse Alexander Scientific Programming and Outreach Research interests I work on JASMIN and CEDA communications and support but I’m interested in the whole process of data collection and analysis to publication and…
Prof Richard Allan
Prof Richard Allan Professor of Climate ScienceEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I use Earth Observation data to explore fluctuations in clouds, water vapour, rainfall and the Earth’s radiative energy balance to improve…
Emily Anderson
Emily Anderson Graduate Environmental Data ScientistCEDA Research interests I am interested in the management and archival of environmental data. The archival and management process helps to ensure that data is accessible and…
Jasdeep Singh Anand
Jasdeep Singh Aanad Postdoctoral Research Associate Research interests Validation of satellite datasets of land surface temperature (LST) using in-situ radiometers. Also involved in the calibration and deployment of in-situ radiometers for satellite…
Daniel Ayers
Daniel Ayers PhD Student Research interests Efficient estimation of dynamical instability in chaotic systems using machine learning. Recent publications Contact details University of Reading 0118 987 5123
Eviatar Bach
Eviatar Bach Lecturer in Mathematics of Environmental Data Science Research interests I am interested in data assimilation and environmental inverse problems, as well as predictability of the Earth system. I work on…
Richard Bantges
Richard Bantges Scientific Project Manager EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in understanding the Earth’s energy balance and how it changes over time. I work with a range of satellite…
Deep S. Banerjee
Deep S. Banerjee Modelling ScientistEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in Numerical Ocean Models (Biogeo chemical and physical), Data Assimilation, Ocean Observation networks and model validation and Machine learning. I…
Dr Ross Bannister
Dr Ross Bannister NCEO Research FellowData Assimilation Research interests I am interested in inverse problems relating to the Earth system using data assimilation, which helps to infer valuable information about the environment,…
Heiko Balzter
Heiko Balzter Professor EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests Forest biomass, carbon cycle, forest disturbances, forest alerts Recent publications Contact details University of Leicester N/A
Emma Barton
Emma Barton MeteorologistEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in interactions between the surface (in particular soil moisture), storms and their associated hazards (e.g. lightning). I work with satellite / in-situ…
Dr Lakshmi Bharathan
Dr Lakshmi Bharathan Postdoctoral Research Associate EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in observations of greenhouse gases and aerosols from space. I currently focus on analyzing and optimizing satellite observations…
Rishabh Bhatt
Rishabh Bhatt Postdoctoral Researcher Research interests I work on estimation of the spatial and temporal observation error correlations in data assimilation which is crucial for improving the numerical weather prediction skill on…
Sophie Bricknell
Sophie Bricknell EOS Project Finance Officer & Group Administrator Research interests Finance, Operations and Administration Contact details National Centre for Earth ObservationSpace Park Leicester92 Corporation RdLeicester LE4 5SP +44 (0)116 373 6060…
Professor Helen Brindley
Professor Helen Brindley Divisional DirectorEnergy and Water Cycles Research interests I am interested in quantifying and understanding variability and change in the Earth’s Radiation budget. I develop ground-, aircraft- and satellite-based instrumentation…
Farrer Owsley-Brown
Farrer Owsley-Brown PhD StudentEO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests Remote sensing of wildfire combustion phase. Recent publications Contact details King’s College London
Antonio Giovanni Bruno
Antonio Giovanni Bruno Research Associate EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am currently working on two ESA funded projects: LOLIPOP and Water Vapour CCI. Recent publications Contact details University of Leicester N/A…
Claire Bulgin
Claire Bulgin Senior Research ScientistEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in the use of satellite data to understand climate change. I work on the development and application of surface temperature…
Laura Carrea
Laura Carrea Postdoctoral Research AssistantEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in thermal characterisation and dynamic of coastal and inland waters and on their influence on climate and local weather. I…
Michael Cartwright
Michael Cartwright Postdoctoral Research Associate EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests The focus of my work is on the satellite observations of solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence, which is ground-based emissions of infrared radiation…
Ka Lok CHAN Senior Scientist EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests Remote sensing of atmospheric composition and air pollution. Recent publications Contact details RAL 01235394384
Dr Yumeng Chen
Dr Yumeng Chen Data Assimilation Scientific ProgrammerData Assimilation Research interests I am interested in the implementation of data assimilation and its applications to climate systems. I work on the parameter estimations in…
Martyn Chipperfield
Martyn Chipperfield Professor of Atmospheric ChemistryEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in air pollution, chemistry-climate interactions and Earth-system modelling. I work on global and regional models of atmospheric composition including…
Dr Dan Clewley
Dr Dan Clewley Senior Research Software Engineer EO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests I am Research Software Engineer applying good practices in software engineering to support scientific research, ensuring computational resources are…