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Our People

Adriana Iorga

PhD Student
Atmospheric Composition

Research interests

I am interested in atmospheric composition and chemistry, and how satellite observations can be used to assess the concentration of atmospheric trace gas species, as well as the effects atmospheric pollution has on the environment and human health. My research involves developing a combined satellite product for the IASI and CrIS instruments for the retrieval of ammonia over agricultural areas using the optimal estimation method and studying the ammonia daily cycle and seasonality.

Recent Publications

The Daily Variation of NH3 over Agricultural Areas in Asia Using Combined Satellite Measurements. 2025-02

Investigating the NH3 Cycle over SE Asia Using Combined IASI and CrIS Satellite Observations. 2024-07

Observing the Ammonia Daily Cycle over Agricultural Areas in Asia Using Combined Satellite Measurements. 2024-04-08

Developing the University of Leicester IASI Retrieval Scheme (ULIRS) Ammonia Product . 2023-09

Air Pollution from Agriculture: Using Satellite Observations to Study Ammonia Emissions. 2023-02-22

Adriana Iorga

Contact details

National Centre for Earth Observation
Space Park Leicester
92 Corporation Rd
Leicester LE4 5SP
