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Our People

Alison Fowler

Research Fellow
Data Assimilation

Research interests

My work focuses on the development of data assimilation theory and its application to meteorology and oceanography. I am particularly interested in bias correction and observation uncertainty, as well as the development of observing networks to extract the most information from available observations.

Recent publications

On methods for assessment of the value of observations in convection‐permitting data assimilation and numerical weather forecasting. 2025-02-26

On the robustness of methods to account for background bias in data assimilation to uncertainties in the bias estimates. 2024-07

Simplified Kalman smoother and ensemble Kalman smoother for improving reanalyses. 2023-07-27

The effective use of anchor observations in variational bias correction in the presence of model bias. 2023-07

Validating and improving the uncertainty assumptions for the assimilation of ocean‐colour‐derived chlorophyll a into a marine biogeochemistry model of the Northwest European Shelf Seas. 2023-01

An international initiative of predicting the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic using ensemble data assimilation. 2021

Measuring Theoretical and Actual Observation Influence in the Met Office UKV: Application to Doppler Radial Winds. 2020-12-28

Data compression in the presence of observational error correlations. 2019-01-01

On the interaction of observation and prior error correlations in data assimilation. 2018

A Sampling Method for Quantifying the Information Content of IASI Channels. 2017-02

Accounting formodel error in strong-constraint 4D-Var data assimilation. 2017

An Idealized Study of Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean 4D-Var in the Presence of Model Error. 2016

Exploring strategies for coupled 4D-Var data assimilation using an idealised atmosphere-ocean model. 2015

Observation impact in data assimilation: the effect of non-Gaussian observation error. 2013

A new floating model level scheme for the assimilation of boundary-layer top inversions: the univariate assimilation of temperature. 2012

An Evaluation of Boundary-Layer Depth, Inversion and Entrainment Parameters by Large-Eddy Simulation. 2012

Measures of observation impact in non-Gaussian data assimilation. 2012

Characterising the background errors for the boundary-layer capping inversion. 2010

New measure of entrainment zone structure. 2007

Advanced methods in data assimilation: Addressing the big data problem..

On methods for assessment of the value of observations in convection‐permitting data assimilation and numerical weather forecasting. 2025-02-26

On the robustness of methods to account for background bias in data assimilation to uncertainties in the bias estimates. 2024-07

Simplified Kalman smoother and ensemble Kalman smoother for improving reanalyses. 2023-07-27

The effective use of anchor observations in variational bias correction in the presence of model bias. 2023-07

Validating and improving the uncertainty assumptions for the assimilation of ocean‐colour‐derived chlorophyll a into a marine biogeochemistry model of the Northwest European Shelf Seas. 2023-01

An international initiative of predicting the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic using ensemble data assimilation. 2021

Measuring Theoretical and Actual Observation Influence in the Met Office UKV: Application to Doppler Radial Winds. 2020-12-28

Data compression in the presence of observational error correlations. 2019-01-01

On the interaction of observation and prior error correlations in data assimilation. 2018

A Sampling Method for Quantifying the Information Content of IASI Channels. 2017-02

Accounting formodel error in strong-constraint 4D-Var data assimilation. 2017

An Idealized Study of Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean 4D-Var in the Presence of Model Error. 2016

Exploring strategies for coupled 4D-Var data assimilation using an idealised atmosphere-ocean model. 2015

Observation impact in data assimilation: the effect of non-Gaussian observation error. 2013

A new floating model level scheme for the assimilation of boundary-layer top inversions: the univariate assimilation of temperature. 2012

An Evaluation of Boundary-Layer Depth, Inversion and Entrainment Parameters by Large-Eddy Simulation. 2012

Measures of observation impact in non-Gaussian data assimilation. 2012

Characterising the background errors for the boundary-layer capping inversion. 2010

New measure of entrainment zone structure. 2007

Advanced methods in data assimilation: Addressing the big data problem..

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Contact details

0118 378 3174