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Our People

Barry Latter

Satellite data production manager
Remote Sensing Group at RAL Space

Research interests

I am interested in deriving atmospheric composition from satellites, both multi-decadal and Near Real Time (NRT) data production, and engagement with 3rd parties for it’s exploitation. The data is of use in areas like air quality and climate modelling, including understanding and improving performance, in addition to identifying atmospheric events.

Recent publications

The novel GOME-type Ozone Profile Essential Climate Variable (GOP-ECV) data record covering the past 26 years. 2025-02-04

Impact of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai water vapour on polar vortex dehydration and ozone depletion: Antarctic 2023 and Arctic 2024. 2025-01-20

Long-term satellite trends of European lower-tropospheric ozone from 1996–2017. 2024-12-16

A satellite-based, near real-time, street-level resolution air pollutants monitoring system using machine learning for personalised skin health applications. 2024-10

Large Reductions in Satellite-Derived and Modelled European Lower Tropospheric Ozone During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic (2020–2022). 2024-09-20

Supplementary material to "Large Reductions in Satellite-Derived and Modelled European Lower Tropospheric Ozone During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic (2020–2022)". 2024-09-20

Investigation of the impact of satellite vertical sensitivity on long-term retrieved lower-tropospheric ozone trends. 2024-08-22

Antarctic Vortex Dehydration in 2023 as a Substantial Removal Pathway for Hunga Tonga‐Hunga Ha'apai Water Vapor. 2024-04-28

Quantifying the tropospheric ozone radiative effect and its temporal evolution in the satellite era. 2024-03-22

Investigation of satellite vertical sensitivity on long-term retrieved lower tropospheric ozone trends. 2024-01-04

Supplementary material to "Investigation of satellite vertical sensitivity on long-term retrieved lower tropospheric ozone trends". 2024-01-04

Investigation of spatial and temporal variability in lower tropospheric ozone from RAL Space UV–Vis satellite products. 2023-12-05

Investigation of the summer 2018 European ozone air pollution episodes using novel satellite data and modelling. 2023-10-19

Quantifying the tropospheric ozone radiative effect and its temporal evolution in the satellite-era. 2023-09-08

Supplementary material to "Quantifying the tropospheric ozone radiative effect and its temporal evolution in the satellite-era". 2023-09-08

Investigation of spatial and temporal variability in lower tropospheric ozone from RAL Space UV-Vis satellite products. 2023-06-27

Seasonal, interannual and decadal variability of tropospheric ozone in the North Atlantic: comparison of UM-UKCA and remote sensing observations for 2005–2018. 2023-06-06

Using the GTO-ECV total ozone and GOP-ECV ozone profile climate data records for analyzing global and regional trend patterns 1995-202. 2023-05-15

Investigation of the summer 2018 European ozone air pollution episodes using novel satellite data and modelling. 2023-01-19

Supplementary material to "Investigation of the summer 2018 European ozone air pollution episodes using novel satellite data and modelling". 2023-01-19

Investigating the global OH radical distribution using steady-state approximations and satellite data. 2022-08-17

Seasonal, interannual and decal variability of Tropospheric Ozone in the North Atlantic: Comparison of UM-UKCA and remote sensing observations for 2005–2018. 2022-03-02

Supplementary material to "Seasonal, interannual and decal variability of Tropospheric Ozone in the North Atlantic: Comparison of UM-UKCA and remote sensing observations for 2005–2018". 2022-03-02

Investigating the Global OH Radical Distribution Using Steady-State Approximations and Satellite Data. 2022-02-01

Supplementary material to "Investigating the Global OH Radical Distribution Using Steady-State Approximations and Satellite Data". 2022-02-01

Large Enhancements in Southern Hemisphere Satellite‐Observed Trace Gases Due to the 2019/2020 Australian Wildfires. 2021-09-27

The Common Representative Intermediates Mechanism Version 2 in the United Kingdom Chemistry and Aerosols Model. 2021-05

Investigation of European tropospheric ozone trends using multiple satellite records. 2021-03-04

Photochemical environment over Southeast Asia primed for hazardous ozone levels with influx of nitrogen oxides from seasonal biomass burning. 2021-02-10

Photochemical environment over Southeast Asia primed for hazardous ozone levels with influx of nitrogen oxides from seasonal biomass burning. 2020-09-15

Characterizing two distinct biomass burning regimes over Southeast Asia and their impacts on regional air quality. 2020-03-23

Characterising the seasonal and geographical variability in tropospheric ozone, stratospheric influence and recent changes. 2019-03-21

Characterising the Seasonal and Geographical Variability of Tropospheric Ozone, Stratospheric Influence and Recent Changes. 2018-10-30

Supplementary material to "Characterising the Seasonal and Geographical Variability of Tropospheric Ozone, Stratospheric Influence and Recent Changes". 2018-10-30

Quality assessment of the Ozone_cci Climate Research Data Package (release 2017) – Part 2: Ground-based validation of nadir ozone profile data products. 2018-06-27

Influence of the wintertime North Atlantic Oscillation on European tropospheric composition: an observational and modelling study. 2018-06-15

Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report: Present-day distribution and trends of tropospheric ozone relevant to climate and global atmospheric chemistry model evaluation. 2018-05-10

Quality assessment of the Ozone_cci Climate Research Data Package (release 2017): 2. Ground-based validation of nadir ozone profile data products. 2018

Influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on European tropospheric composition: an observational and modelling study. 2017-12-18

Supplementary material to "Influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on European tropospheric composition: an observational and modelling study". 2017-12-18

Global height-resolved methane retrievals from the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) on MetOp. 2017

Present-day distribution and trends of global tropospheric ozone from satellite observations: Results from the Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report (TOAR). 2017

Present-day distribution and trends of global tropospheric ozone from satellite observations: Results from the Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report (TOAR). 2017

Present-day distribution and trends of global tropospheric ozone from satellite observations: Results from the Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report (TOAR). 2017

Present-day distribution and trends of global tropospheric ozone from satellite observations: Results from the Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report (TOAR). 2017

The TOMCAT global chemical transport model v1.6: description of chemical mechanism and model evaluation. 2017

STFC RAL methane retrievals from the IASI on board MetOp-A, version 1.0. 2016

The TOMCAT global chemical transport model: Description of chemical mechanism and model evaluation. 2016

Tropospheric ozone and ozone profiles retrieved from GOME-2 and their validation. 2015-01-22

EO science from big EO data on the JASMIN-CEMS infrastructure. 2014

HPFELD : Hosted Processing Facility for the Exploitation of Large Datasets. 2013

Ozone profile retrievals at RAL. 2012

Retrieval of Global Tropospheric Methane Distributions from IASI. 2012

Retrieval of methane distributions from IASI. 2012

Sateliite observations of tropospheric ozone and methane. 2012

Future improvement to methane and ozone climate data sets through combining sensors. 2011

Ozone profile retrieval from MetOp. 2011

Retrieval of methane distributions from IASI. 2011

PREMIER – Performance Analysis Study – Final report. 2009

Validation of SCIAMACHY top-of-atmosphere reflectance for aerosol remote sensing using MERIS L1 data. 2007

Analysis of GOME-2 slit-function measurements. 2006

Atmospheric composition sounding through synergistic use of GOME-2, IASI and AVHRR/3 on MetOp in combination with limb observations and assimilation models. 2006

Contribution to Cal/Val of MetOp Data. 2006

Evaluation of GOME ozone profiles from nine different algorithms. 2006

Evaluation of Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) ozone profiles from nine different algorithms. 2006

Information on tropospheric ozone from the combination of SEVIRI 9.7micron and uv-vis spectrometer data. 2006

Intercomparison of cloud top altitudes as derived using GOME and ATSR-2 instruments onboard ERS-2. 2006

Intercomparison of cloud top altitudes as derived using GOME and ATSR-2 instruments onboard ERS-2. 2006

Monitoring Experiment (GOME) ozone profiles from nine different algorithms. 2006

Monitoring Experiment (GOME) ozone profiles from nine different algorithms. 2006

Monitoring Experiment (GOME) ozone profiles from nine different algorithms. 2006

Monitoring Experiment (GOME) ozone profiles from nine different algorithms. 2006

New developments in the retrieval of tropospheric ozone from GOME, SCIAMACHY and SEVIRI. 2006

References. 2006

Evaluation of GOME ozone profiles from nine different algorithms. 2005

Global height-resolved Ozone distributions spanning the Troposphere and Stratosphere. 2005

Retrieval and assimilation of height-resolved ozone distributions from eight years of GOME observations (1997-2003). 2005

Studies in support of an advanced ESA mission to sound atmospheric composition after Envisat. 2005

Consideration of mission studying chemistry of the UTLS. 2004

Consideration of mission studying chemstry of the UTLS/ESTEC/Contract No 15457/01/NL/MM. 2004

GOME-2 Error Assessment Study, Phase V : final report.. 2004

New techniques to sound the composition of the lower stratosphere and troposphere from space. 2004

Studies in Support of an Advanced ESA Mission to Sound Atmospheric Composition After Envisat. 2004

Studies in Support of an Advanced ESA Mission to Sound Atmospheric Composition after Envisat.. 2004

Studies in Support of an Advanced ESA Mission to Sound Atmospheric Composition after Envisat.. 2004

Studies in support of an advanced ESA mission to sound atmospheric composition after Envisat. 2004

Tomographic limb-sounding of the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere. 2004

The Height-Resolved Distribution of Ozone in the Troposphere and Stratosphere Observed by GOME. 2003

Retrieval of Height-Resolved Ozone Distributions from GOME. 2002

GOME-2 Error Assessment Study Phases I – IV.

Intercomparison of Reflectances Observed by Sciamachy, GOME, AATSR and ATSR-2.

Intercomparisons of MIPAS and SCIAMACHY L1 and L2 Products with GOME and AATSR.

MIPAS ozone validation by satellite intercomparisons.

Contact details

RAL Space

+44 1235 446911