West Europe from space stock photo

Our People

Dr Alexander Kurganskiy

Data Assimilation

Research interests

I am interested in GHG flux estimates and inverse modelling. I use the GEOS-Chem atmospheric chemistry transport model and assimilate the ground-based remote sensing data (GEMINI-UK) to infer the GHG fluxes for the UK. This work will help track UK progress toward net zero..

Recent publications

Understanding Sources and Drivers of Size-Resolved Aerosol in the High Arctic Islands of Svalbard Using a Receptor Model Coupled with Machine Learning. 2022-08-16

Air Pollution Affecting Pollen Concentrations through Radiative Feedback in the Atmosphere. 2021-10-21

Predicting the severity of the grass pollen season and the effect of climate change in Northwest Europe. 2021-03-26

Incorporation of pollen data in source maps is vital for pollen dispersion models. 2020-02-26

Incorporation of pollen data in source maps is vital for pollen dispersion models. 2019-07-15

Temperate airborne grass pollen defined by spatio-temporal shifts in community composition. 2019-04

Assessment of Black Carbon in Arctic: Current Status and Potential Improvement. 2018

The Enviro-HIRLAM online integrated meteorology–chemistry modelling system: strategy, methodology, developments, and applications. 2017-01-04

The Enviro-HIRLAM online integrated meteorology-chemistry modelling system: strategy, methodology, developments, and applications. 2017

Online coupled regional meteorology chemistry models in Europe: current status and prospects. 2014

A semi-lagrangian scheme for atmospheric trace gases advection on the sphere with one-dimensional spline interpolation. 2013

Chemical atmospheric gases transformation modeling for regional scale. 2011

Chemical processes modeling in the low atmosphere of the Russian regions. 2011

Chemical species emissions at the St. Petersburg region and their trans boundary transport to the remote areas. 2011

Modeling of chemical composition diurnal variations in the regions with intense pollutant emissions. 2011

Contact details

Plymouth Marine Laboratory
