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Our People

Dr Ranjini Swaminathan

NCEO UKESM Core Scientist
EO Data-Model Evaluation

Research interests

I am a member of the UK Earth System Model Core Development (UKESM) team. As an NCEO researcher in the team, I am interested in using EO and observational data with applied machine learning for the purposes of Earth System model evaluation and towards developing the next generation of such models.

Recent publications

The Physical Climate at Global Warming Thresholds as Seen in the U.K. Earth System Model. 2022

Earth System Model Evaluation Tool (ESMValTool) v2.0 – An extended set of large-scale diagnostics for quasi-operational and comprehensive evaluation of Earth system models in CMIP. 2020

UKESM1: Description and Evaluation of the U.K. Earth System Model. 2019

A computational framework for modelling and analyzing ice storms. 2018

Modeling ice storm climatology. 2015

Expanding the point-automatic enlargement of presentation video elements. 2011

Improving and aligning speech with presentation slides. 2010

Studying on the move – Enriched presentation video for mobile devices. 2009

Evaluation of localized semantics: Data, methodology, and experiments. 2008

Temporal modeling of slide change in presentation videos. 2007