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Our People

Dr Ross Bannister

NCEO Research Fellow
Data Assimilation

Research interests

I am interested in inverse problems relating to the Earth system using data assimilation, which helps to infer valuable information about the environment, which might otherwise be difficult or impossible to measure directly.  Data assimilation combines models with measurements of things that can be observed.  I work on theoretical aspects of data assimilation including model error statistics and the general methodology.  I apply data assimilation to a range of models from simplified to complex, including weather models (to estimate the initial conditions) and chemical transport models (to estimate surface fluxes of trace gases).

Recent publications

Exploring a hybrid ensemble–variational data assimilation technique (4DEnVar) with a simple ecosystem carbon model. 2025-03

Inverse modelling for surface methane flux estimation with 4DVar: impact of a computationally efficient representation of a non-diagonal B-matrix in INVICAT v4. 2024-03-07

Variable-dependent and selective multivariate localization for ensemble-variational data assimilation in the tropics. 2024-02-12

Investigating ecosystem connections in the shelf sea environment using complex networks. 2024-02-08

The Hydro-ABC model (Version 2.0): a simplified convective-scale model with moist dynamics. 2023-10-31

The Hydro-ABC model (version 2.0): a simplified convective-scale model with moist dynamics. 2023-10-31

Simplified Kalman smoother and ensemble Kalman smoother for improving reanalyses. 2023-07-27

The effects of assimilating a sub-grid-scale sea ice thickness distribution in a new Arctic sea ice data assimilation system. 2023-06-27

The effects of assimilating a sub-grid scale sea ice thickness distribution in a new Arctic sea ice data assimilation system. 2023-06

Inverse modelling for trace gas surface flux estimation, impact of a non-diagonal B-matrix. 2023-05-15

Ecosystem connections in the shelf sea environment using complex networks. 2023-04-17

Supplementary material to "Ecosystem connections in the shelf sea environment using complex networks". 2023-04-17

Simplified Kalman smoother and ensemble Kalman smoother for improving reanalyses. 2023-03-15

A satellite era reanalysis of the Arctic sea ice cover utilising year-round observations of sea ice thickness. 2023-02-22

The “Hydro-ABC model” (Vn 2.0): a simplified convective-scale model with moist dynamics. 2023-02-07

The effects of assimilating a sub-grid scale sea ice thickness distribution in a new Arctic sea ice data assimilation system. 2022-10-25

Hybrid ensemble-variational data assimilation in ABC-DA within a tropical framework. 2022-08-11

Utilising Cryosat-2 observations of the Arctic sea ice cover to produce a new Arctic sea ice reanalysis. 2022-03-27

Hybrid ensemble-variational data assimilation in ABC-DA within a tropical framework. 2022-03-18

Balance conditions in variational data assimilation for a high‐resolution forecast model. 2021-07

Dynamically informed covariance modelling in data assimilation. 2021-03-03

The effects of assimilating a sub-grid scale sea ice thickness distribution in a new Arctic sea ice data assimilation system. 2021-03-03

The ABC-DA system (v1.4): a variational data assimilation system for convective-scale assimilation research with a study of the impact of a balance constraint. 2020-08-27

Response to referee 1. 2020-06-09

Response to referee 2. 2020-06-09

Response to short comment 1.. 2020-06-09

Supplementary material to "The “ABC-DA system” (v1.4): a variational data assimilation system for convective scale assimilation research with a study of the impact of a balance constraint". 2020-02-03

The “ABC-DA system” (v1.4): a variational data assimilation system for convective scale assimilation research with a study of the impact of a balance constraint. 2020-02-03

Techniques and challenges in the assimilation of atmospheric water observations for numerical weather prediction towards convective scales. 2020-01

Improvements in Forecasting Intense Rainfall: Results from the FRANC (Forecasting Rainfall Exploiting New Data Assimilation Techniques and Novel Observations of Convection) Project. 2019-03

Response to editor. 2018-02-05

Response to reviewer 1. 2018-02-05

Response to reviewer 2. 2018-02-05

The ABC model: a non-hydrostatic toy model for use in convective-scale data assimilation investigations. 2017-12-05

Methods of investigating forecast error sensitivity to ensemble size in a limited-area convection-permitting ensemble. 2017-11-20

Reply to Reviewer 1. 2017-08-27

Reply to Reviewer 2. 2017-08-27

The "ABC model" (Vn 1.0): a non-hydrostatic toy model for use in convective-scale data assimilation investigations. 2017-04-25

Representation of model error in a convective-scale ensemble prediction system. 2014-01-08

Contact details

0118 987 5123