West Europe from space stock photo

Our People

Heiko Balzter

EO Data-Model Evaluation

Research interests

Forest biomass, carbon cycle, forest disturbances, forest alerts

Recent publications

Due diligence for deforestation-free supply chainswith Sentinel-2 imagery from the Copernicus DataSpace Ecosystem . 2025-01-20

Impact of Land Use and Land Cover Change on Soil Erosion in Dondor Watershed, Blue Nile Basin, Northwestern Ethiopia. 2024-11-28

Evaluating Flood Damage to Paddy Rice Fields Using PlanetScope and Sentinel-1 Data in North-Western Nigeria: Towards Potential Climate Adaptation Strategies. 2024-09-30

The African Regional Greenhouse Gases Budget (2010–2019). 2024-04

Due Diligence for Deforestation-Free Supply Chains with Copernicus Sentinel-2 Imagery and Machine Learning. 2024-03-28

Drivers of Forest Loss in a Megadiverse Hotspot on the Pacific Coast of Colombia. 2020-04-13

Impact of Soil Reflectance Variation Correction on Woody Cover Estimation in Kruger National Park Using MODIS Data. 2019-04-12

Applying Built-Up and Bare-Soil Indices from Landsat 8 to Cities in Dry Climates. 2018-07-04

Relationships of S-Band Radar Backscatter and Forest Aboveground Biomass in Different Forest Types. 2017-11-02

A Review on Remote Sensing of Urban Heat and Cool Islands. 2017-06-09

Multi-Criteria Assessment of Land Cover Dynamic Changes in Halgurd Sakran National Park (HSNP), Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Using Remote Sensing and GIS. 2017-03-07

Individual Tree Crown Delineation from Airborne Laser Scanning for Diseased Larch Forest Stands. 2017-03-03

Diurnal and Seasonal Variation of Surface Urban Cool and Heat Islands in the Semi-Arid City of Erbil, Iraq. 2016-09

Airborne S-Band SAR for Forest Biophysical Retrieval in Temperate Mixed Forests of the UK. 2016-07-20

Mapping Forest Cover and Forest Cover Change with Airborne S-Band Radar. 2016-07-08

Magnitude, spatial distribution and uncertainty of forest biomass stocks in Mexico. 2016

Mapping regional patterns of large forest fires in Wildland-Urban Interface areas in Europe. 2016

Methods to quantify regional differences in land cover change. 2016

Predictive models of primary tropical forest structure from geomorphometric variables based on SRTM in the Tapajo's region, Brazilian Amazon. 2016

Use of penetrating GNSS signals for measuring soil moisture. 2016

Validation of the TanDEM-X Intermediate Digital Elevation Model with Airborne LiDAR and Differential GNSS in Kruger National Park. 2016

Non-Parametric Retrieval of Aboveground Biomass in Siberian Boreal Forests with ALOS PALSAR Interferometric Coherence and Backscatter Intensity. 2015-12-25

Multi-Scale Entropy Analysis as a Method for Time-Series Analysis of Climate Data. 2015-03-06

A conceptual model for assessing rainfall and vegetation trends in sub-Saharan Africa from satellite data. 2015

Assessment of ecophysiology of lake shore reed vegetation based on chlorophyll fluorescence, field spectroscopy and hyperspectral airborne imagery. 2015

Characterizing bi-temporal patterns of land surface temperature using landscape metrics based on sub-pixel classifications from Landsat TM/ETM+. 2015

Characterizing fractional vegetation cover and land surface temperature based on sub-pixel fractional impervious surfaces from Landsat TM/ETM+. 2015

Detecting the effects of hydrocarbon pollution in the Amazon forest using hyperspectral satellite images. 2015

Evaluating sentinel-2 for lakeshore habitat mapping based on airborne hyperspectral data. 2015

Harmonic analysis of Lake Balaton phytoplankton blooms using 9 years of MERIS-derived chlorophyll-A. 2015

Land degradation assessment using residual trend analysis of GIMMS NDVI3g, soil moisture and rainfall in Sub-Saharan West Africa from 1982 to 2012. 2015

Mapping CORINE land cover from Sentinel-1A SAR and SRTM digital elevation model data using random forests. 2015

Remote sensing and GIS for habitat quality monitoring: New approaches and future research. 2015

Satellite remote sensing of phytoplankton phenology in Lake Balaton using 10years of MERIS observations. 2015

Spatial variation of the daytime Surface Urban Cool Island during the dry season in Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan, from Landsat 8. 2015

Validation of Envisat MERIS algorithms for chlorophyll retrieval in a large, turbid and optically-complex shallow lake. 2015

Spatial-Temporal Variation and Prediction of Rainfall in Northeastern Nigeria. 2014-09-17

Mapping tree species in coastal portugal using statistically segmented principal component analysis and other methods. 2014

Wildfires in boreal ecoregions: Evaluating the power law assumption and intra-annual and interannual variations. 2014

Retrieval of savanna vegetation canopy height from ICESat-GLAS spaceborne LiDAR with terrain correction. 2013

Spatial-temporal patterns of urban anthropogenic heat discharge in Fuzhou, China, observed from sensible heat flux using Landsat TM/ETM+ data. 2013

Sustainability: Choose satellites to monitor deforestation. 2013

Ultraviolet fluorescence LiDAR (UFL) as a measurement tool for water quality parameters in turbid lake conditions. 2013

Airborne X-HH incidence angle impact on canopy height retreival: Implications for spaceborne X-HH Tandem-X global canopy height model. 2012

Earth observation: A revolutionary leap into the future. 2012

Introduction to the special issue: Satellite remote sensing in the service of regional and local authorities. 2012

Changes in vegetation and rainfall patterns in sub-Saharan Africa over the last decade observed by satellites – A national and sub-national synthesis. 2011

Data assimilation into land surface models: The implications for climate feedbacks. 2011

The BIOMASS mission: Mapping global forest biomass to better understand the terrestrial carbon cycle. 2011

Assimilation of land surface temperature into the land surface model JULES with an ensemble Kalman filter. 2010

Assimilation of remote sensing data into land-surface models: The importance of uncertainty estimation to the filter performance. 2010

Soil surface CO<inf>2</inf> flux increases with successional time in a fire scar chronosequence of Canadian boreal jack pine forest. 2010

Analysing forest recovery after wildfire disturbance in boreal Siberia using remotely sensed vegetation indices. 2009

Comparison of X/C-HH InSAR and L-PolInSAR for canopy height estimation in a Lodgepole pine forest. 2009

Estimating carbon emissions from African wildfires. 2009

Relationships between tropical, temperate and boreal forest variables and palsar data. 2009

Remote Sensing and Earth Observation. 2009

The influence of regional surface soil moisture anomalies on forest fires in Siberia observed from satellites. 2009

Airborne SAR monitoring of tree growth in a coniferous plantation. 2008

An environmental assessment of land cover and land use change in Central Siberia using quantified conceptual overlaps to reconcile inconsistent data sets. 2008

Studying the change in fAPAR after forest fires in Siberia using MODIS. 2008

Climate, vegetation phenology and forest fires in Siberia. 2007

Coupling of vegetation growing season anomalies and fire activity with hemispheric and regional-scale climate patterns in central and east Siberia. 2007

Data fusion for reconstruction of a DTM, under a woodland canopy, from airborne L-band InSAR. 2007

Estimated daily carbon emissions from boreal forest fires for Siberia and Canada. 2007

Post-fire vegetation phenology in Siberian burn scars. 2007

Uncertainties of a regional terrestrial biota full carbon account: A systems analysis. 2007

Uncertainties of a regional terrestrial biota full carbon account: A systems analysis. 2007

The application of lidar in woodland bird ecology: Climate, canopy structure, and habitat quality. 2006

Siberia-II: Monitoring forest cover changes in Siberia by means of spaceborne data. 2005

The use of MODIS-derived fire radiative power to characterise Siberian boreal forest fires. 2005

Afforestation, Re-, and Deforestation Monitoring in Siberia – Accuracy Requirements and First Results. 2003

Biomass estimation of Thetford forest from L-band SAR data: Potential and limitations. 2003

Digital elevation model (DEM) generation from SAR interferometry. 2003

Disturbances in the Siberian Boreal Forest – Mapping Fire-scars using a Multi-temporal, Multi-sensor Approach. 2003

Forest canopy height mapping from dual-wavelength SAR interferometry. 2003

Forest woody biomass classification with satellite-based radar coherence over 900 000 km<sup>2</sup> in Central Siberia. 2003

Potential of Polarimetric SAR Interferometry for Forest Carbon Accounting. 2003

The CORSAR project: Can polarimateric SAR interferometry improve forest biomass estimation?. 2003

Accuracy assessment of a large-scale forest cover map of central siberia from synthetic aperture radar. 2002

Forest stand structure from airborne polarimetric InSAR. 2002

Deriving forest characteristics using polarimetric InSAR measurements and models. 2001

Forest mapping and monitoring with interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR). 2001

Mapping siberian forests. 2001

Accuracy assessment issues in the SIBERIA project. 2000

Combining unsupervised and knowledge-based methods in large-scale forest classification. 2000

Global forest classification using JERS and tandem ERS data. 2000

Markov chain models for vegetation dynamics. 2000

Use of coherence information from ERS Tandem pairs for determining forest stock volume in SIBERIA. 2000

Mapping deforestation in Amazon with ERS SAR interferometry. 1999

Cellular automata models for vegetation dynamics. 1998

Contact details

University of Leicester