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Our People

Jeremy Harrison

NCEO Spectroscopy Leader

EO Instrumentation and Facilities

Research interests

I am the lead scientist of the SPENSER facility at Space Park Leicester, with expertise in the laboratory spectroscopy needed for the accurate atmospheric radiative transfer of trace gases. I am also engaged in the satellite remote sensing of atmospheric composition covering species linked to ozone depletion, biomass burning, air quality, and the carbon cycle.

Recent publications

Intercomparison of Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide (TransCom‐COS): 2. Evaluation of Optimized Fluxes Using Ground‐Based and Aircraft Observations. 2023-09-27

Intercomparison of atmospheric carbonyl sulfide (TransCom-COS; Part Two): Evaluation of optimized fluxes using ground-based and aircraft observations. 2023-05-05

Atmospheric distribution of HCN from satellite observations and 3-D model simulations. 2023-04-24

Intercomparison of atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide (TransCom‐COS; Part one): Evaluating the impact of transport and emissions on tropospheric variability using ground‐based and aircraft data. 2023-03-06

Satellite observations and modelling of hydrogen cyanide in the Earth's atmosphere. 2022-06-23

Exploiting satellite measurements to explore uncertainties in UK bottom-up NOx emission estimates. 2022-04-04

The HITRAN2020 molecular spectroscopic database. 2022-01

Fifteen Years of HFC-134a Satellite Observations: Comparisons With SLIMCAT Calculations. 2021

New infrared absorption cross sections for the infrared limb sounding of carbon tetrafluoride (CF4). 2021

New infrared absorption cross sections of difluoromethane (HFC-32) for atmospheric remote sensing. 2021

Spectral Emissivity (SE) Measurement Uncertainties across 2.5-14 mu m Derived from a Round-Robin Study Made across International Laboratories. 2021

The first remote-sensing measurements of HFC-32 in the Earth's atmosphere by the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS). 2021

Impact of the June 2018 Saddleworth Moor wildfires on air quality in northern England. 2020

New infrared absorption cross sections for the infrared limb sounding of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). 2020

Infrared absorption cross sections for air-broadened 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoroethane (HCFC-141b). 2019

Infrared absorption cross-sections in HITRAN2016 and beyond: Expansion for climate, environment, and atmospheric applications. 2019

Infrared absorption cross-sections in HITRAN2016 and beyond: Expansion for climate, environment, and atmospheric applications (Reprinted from Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol 230, pg 172-221, 2019). 2019

Phosgene in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere: A Market for Product Gas Injection Due to Chlorine-Containing Very Short Lived Substances. 2019

Recent Trends in Stratospheric Chlorine From Very Short-Lived Substances. 2019

New and improved infrared absorption cross sections for trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11). 2018

MIPAS IMK/IAA carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) retrieval and first comparison with other instruments. 2017

New and improved infra-red absorption cross sections and ACE-FTS retrievals of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). 2017

The HITRAN2016 molecular spectroscopic database. 2017

Intercomparison and evaluation of satellite peroxyacetyl nitrate observations in the upper troposphere-lower stratosphere. 2016

Model sensitivity studies of the decrease in atmospheric carbon tetrachloride. 2016

New and improved infrared absorption cross sections for chlorodifluoromethane (HCFC-22). 2016

Satellite observations of stratospheric hydrogen fluoride and comparisons with SLIMCAT calculations. 2016

Seasonal variations of acetone in the upper troposphere–lower stratosphere of the northern midlatitudes as observed by ACE-FTS. 2016

The 2015 edition of the GEISA spectroscopic database. 2016

Growth in stratospheric chlorine from short-lived chemicals not controlled by the Montreal Protocol. 2015

Infrared absorption cross sections for 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane. 2015

New and improved infrared absorption cross sections for dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-12). 2015

Retrieval and validation of carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor for the Canary Islands IR-laser occultation experiment. 2015

Long-term evolution and seasonal modulation of methanol above Jungfraujoch (46.5 degrees N, 8.0 degrees E): optimisation of the retrieval strategy, comparison with model simulations and independent observations. 2014

Satellite observations of stratospheric carbonyl fluoride. 2014

ACE-FTS observations of acetonitrile in the lower stratosphere. 2013

Demonstration of a Mid-Infrared Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectrometer for Breath Acetone Detection. 2013

Infrared absorption cross sections for trifluoromethane. 2013

Observations of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) in the upper troposphere by the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment-Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS). 2013

The HITRAN2012 molecular spectroscopic database. 2013

Einstein A coefficients and absolute line intensities for the E2Π–X2Σ+ transition of CaH. 2012

First remote sensing observations of trifluoromethane (HFC-23) in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. 2012

Greenhouse gas measurements over a 144 km open path in the Canary Islands. 2012

Infrared absorption cross sections for methanol. 2012

Mid- and long-wave infrared absorption cross sections for acetonitrile. 2012

[Correction] Greenhouse gas measurements over a 144 km open path in the Canary Islands (vol 5, pg 2309, 2012). 2012

Acetonitrile (CH3CN) infrared absorption cross sections in the 3 mu m region. 2011

Infrared absorption cross sections for acetone (propanone) in the 3 mu m region. 2011

Magnetic Circular Dichroism and Absorption Spectra of Methylidyne in a Krypton Matrix. 2011

Mid-infrared absorption cross sections for acetone (propanone). 2011

Spectroscopic requirements for ACCURATE, a microwave and infrared-laser occultation satellite mission. 2011

Infrared absorption cross sections for ethane (C2H6) in the 3 mu m region. 2010

Infrared absorption cross sections for propane (C3H8) in the 3 mu m region. 2010

The ACE-FTS atlas of the infrared solar spectrum. 2010

Measurement of the Magnetic Properties of FeH in Its <i>X</i> <sup>4</sup> Δ and <i>F</i> <sup>4</sup> Δ States from Sunspot Spectra. 2008

The Zeeman Effect on Lines in the (1,0) Band of the <i>F</i> <sup>4</sup> Δ– <i>X</i> <sup>4</sup> Δ Transition of the FeH Radical. 2008

An analysis of the rotational, fine and hyperfine effects in the (0,0) band of the A7Π–X7Σ+ transition of manganese monohydride, MnH. 2007

On-line in-situ characterization of CO2 RESS processes for benzoic acid, cholesterol and aspirin. 2007

The rotational spectrum of CoF in all three spin-orbit components of the XΦi3 state. 2007

A molecular-beam optical Stark study of lines in the (1,0) band of the FΔ7∕24-XΔ7∕24 transition of iron monohydride, FeH. 2006

Improved Frequencies of Rotational Transitions of <sup>52</sup> CrH in the <sup>6</sup> Σ <sup>+</sup> Ground State. 2006

Magnetic circular dichroism and absorption spectra of phosphinidene in noble-gas matrices. 2005

Magneto-optical investigations of imidogen in inert-gas matrices. 2004

On-line and in situ optical detection of particles of organic molecules formed by rapid expansion of supercritical solutions (RESS) of CO2. 2003

Contact details

University of Leicester