West Europe from space stock photo

Our People

Mary Langsdale

Research Associate
EO Instrumentation and Facilities

Research interests

thermal remote sensing, hyperspectral instrumentation, land surface temperature, emissivity.

Recent publications

Assessing the field-scale crop water condition over an intensive agricultural plain using UAV-based thermal and multispectral imagery. 2025-07

Multi-angular airborne observations for simulating thermal directionality at the satellite scale. 2025-01-20

Validation and simulation of existing and future satellite mid and thermal infrared sensors using a combination of automated validation sites and airborne datasets. 2025-01-20

Multi-angular airborne thermal observations: A new hyperspectral setup for simulating thermal radiation and emissivity directionality at the satellite scale. 2023-05-15

A new East African satellite data validation station: Performance of the LSA-SAF all-weather land surface temperature product over a savannah biome. 2022-05

Spectral Emissivity (SE) Measurement Uncertainties across 2.5–14 μm Derived from a Round-Robin Study Made across International Laboratories. 2020-12-30

Inter-Comparison of Field- and Laboratory-Derived Surface Emissivities of Natural and Manmade Materials in Support of Land Surface Temperature (LST) Remote Sensing. 2020-12-17

Contact details

Kings College London