Esther Conway

Esther Conway Senior Earth Observation Data Scientist EO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests Data Exploitation and reuse EO data tools Recent publications Contact details CEDA

Daniel Coxon

Daniel Coxon Research AssociateEO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests New quantitative measurements and derivation of spectroscopic line parameters of atmospheric gases for remote sensing. Recent publications Contact details National Centre for Earth…

Professor Sarah Dance

Professor Sarah Dance NCEO Divisional Director of Data Assimilation and Professor of Data AssimilationData Assimilation Research interests I am interested in data assimilation, the science of combining mathematical models with observation data.…

Sandip Dhomse

Sandip Dhomse Senior Research Fellow EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests Machine learning, satellite data, chemical modelling, climate change and ozone layer. Recent publications Contact details University Of Leeds

Professor Mathias (Mat) Disney

Professor Mathias (Mat) Disney Divisional Director Carbon CycleCarbon cycle: land, atmosphere and oceans Research interests I am interested in vegetation – particularly trees, forests and the carbon cycle. I use EO data…

Emily Dowd

Emily Dowd PhD Student Research interests My research focuses on observing and modelling atmospheric methane across different scales. Recent publications Contact details University of Leeds n/a

Dr Simon Driscoll

Dr Simon Driscoll PhD Student Research interests I am interested in using machine learning to learn sub-grid scale thermodynamical processes (those of melt ponds) in Arctic sea ice – this is important…

Dr Natalie Douglas

Dr Natalie Douglas Postdoctoral Research AssistantData Assimilation Research interests I am interested in Data Assimilation and Land Surface Models. I work on implementing 4DEnVar, a comparatively simple and cost effective data assimilation…

Dr Anu Dudhia

Dr Anu Dudhia University Research LecturerEO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests I maintain and develop the Reference Forward Model (RFM), a line-by-line radiative transfer model suitable for a wide range of applications…

Michaela Flegrova

Michaela Flegrova PhD Student Research interests I am interested in African landscape fires and how they affect surface properties. I am working on evaluating the radiative forcing arising from fire-induced surface albedo…

Catherine Fitzsimons

Catherine Fitzsimons Outreach OfficerOperations Support Responsibilities My role is to support NCEO staff in sharing their research with young people, educators and adults who want to know more about Earth observation and…
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Alison Fowler

Alison Fowler Research FellowData Assimilation Research interests My work focuses on the development of data assimilation theory and its application to meteorology and oceanography. I am particularly interested in bias correction and…

Liang Feng

Liang Feng Research Associate Data Assimilation Research interests I am interested in natural and anthropogenic GHG emissions. I work on top-down flux inversions using space-borne and surface-based atmospheric GHG observations. Recent publications…

Don Grainger

Don Grainger Reader in Atmospheric PhysicsEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in aerosol, clouds and trace gases in the Earth’s atmosphere. I work on a range of satellite instruments to…

Dr Mark Grosvenor

Dr Mark Grosvenor Research Associate EO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests I am interested in wildfire emissions and air quality impacts. I work on measuring particulate and gas emissions from landscape fire…

Steve Groom

Steve Groom Head of Service, NEODAASEO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests I lead the NERC EO Data Analysis and AI Service. My personal research interests are on climate data records in ocean…

Rocio Barrio Guillo

Rocio Barrio Guillo Research Associate Research interests I am interested in Land Surface Temperature (LST) satellite data application and validation. I work with LST data which is important for applications such as…

Dr Bethan Harris

Dr Bethan Harris Land-Atmosphere Scientist EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in land-atmosphere interactions, and especially in how the land surface can provide subseasonal-to-seasonal predictability for the atmosphere. I work…

Ieuan Higgs

Ieuan Higgs PhD StudentData Assimilation Research interests Using machine learning to improve data assimilation methods in marine biogeochemical models. Recent publications Contact details University of Reading 07546540567

Steven Hancock

Steven Hancock Reader in 3D environmental data capture EO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests Remote sensing of forest structure. Especially with spaceborne, airborne and terrestrial lidar. My main projects are the Global…

Jeremy Harrison

Jeremy Harrison NCEO Spectroscopy Leader EO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests I am the lead scientist of the SPENSER facility at Space Park Leicester, with expertise in the laboratory spectroscopy needed for…

Neil Humpage

Neil Humpage Postdoctoral Research Associate EO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests I am interested in ground-based and airborne remote sensing of atmospheric composition, with a primary focus on measuring greenhouse gases. Amongst…

Ailish Graham

Ailish Graham Postdoctoral ResearcherEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I use regional (WRF-Chem) and global (TOMCAT) atmospheric chemistry transport models to understand processes leading to high concentrations of air pollution and to quantify…

Darren Ghent

Darren Ghent Senior Research FellowEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests Has an interest in thermal remote sensing and land-atmosphere interactions. Works on land surface temperature retrievals, validation and exploitation, including for climate science…

Guannan Hu

Guannan Hu Postdoctoral Research AssistantData Assimilation Research interests I am interested in data assimilation and observation impacts in numerical weather prediction. I work on improving the speed and accuracy of data assimilation,…