William Jay

William Jay Airborne Earth Observation Data Analyst EO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests As part of the NERC Earth Observation Data Acquisition and Analysis Service (NEODAAS) I support researchers across the UK…
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Tom Jordan

Tom Jordan Earth Observation Scientist Ocean Optics Research interests I am currently interested in applying techniques from Ocean Optics to characterise water constituents in freshwater and ocean environments. I primarily work with…

Krupa Nanda Kumar

Krupa Nanda Kumar Climate Services Development ManagerOperations Support Research interests Bridging the gap between satellite climate science research, commercialisation and industry uptake. Recent publications Contact details University of Reading 0118 987 5123…

Dr Alexander Kurganskiy

Dr Alexander Kurganskiy PDRAData Assimilation Research interests I am interested in GHG flux estimates and inverse modelling. I use the GEOS-Chem atmospheric chemistry transport model and assimilate the ground-based remote sensing data…

Mary Langsdale

Mary Langsdale Research AssociateEO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests thermal remote sensing, hyperspectral instrumentation, land surface temperature, emissivity. Recent publications Contact details Kings College London mary.langsdale@kcl.ac.uk

Barry Latter

Barry Latter Satellite data production managerRemote Sensing Group at RAL Space Research interests I am interested in deriving atmospheric composition from satellites, both multi-decadal and Near Real Time (NRT) data production, and…
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Thomas Laraia

Thomas Laraia PhD Student Research interests Using satellite lidar to model fractional snow cover beneath trees. Measuring reflectivity ratios between the canopy and the ground to do so. Recent publications Contact details…

Professor Amos Lawless

Professor Amos Lawless Professor of Data AssimilationData Assimilation Research interests I am interested in the mathematical theory of data assimilation and its application to environmental problems. I work on developing new methods…

Zixia Liu

Zixia Liu Research Associate EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in wildfire detection and emissions and primarily work on observing wildfires through remote sensing and in-situ observations. This area of…

Zhongwei Liu

Zhongwei Liu Research Associate EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in fire weather extremes, exploring how extreme weather conditions contribute to wildfire risk. My focus also includes climate change, examining…

Zitong Li

Zitong Li PhD student EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in using AI and Earth Observation to quantify emissions plumes from landscape fires. By leveraging advanced satellite imagery and machine…
Adriana Iorga

Adriana Iorga

Adriana Iorga PhD StudentAtmospheric Composition Research interests I am interested in atmospheric composition and chemistry, and how satellite observations can be used to assess the concentration of atmospheric trace gas species, as…
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Ross Maidment

Ross Maidment Earth Observation ScientistData Assimilation Research interests I am interested in using satellite information to support the generation of climate services, with a particular interest over Africa. As an Earth Observation…

Supriya Mantri

Supriya Mantri PhD Student Research interests I am interested in satellite-retrieved aerosol data, validation, air quality, and human health. In my Ph.D. project, I am retrieving a novel aerosol dataset at high…

Will Maslanka

Will Maslanka Research Associate in Earth Observation Science EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in landscape fire emissions and remote sensing. I work on estimations of emission coefficients of high-latitude…
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David Mason

David Mason Postdoctoral Research Associate Data Assimilation Research interests I am interested in urban flood detection using Synthetic Aperture Radar, enabling detection of flooding on a 24/7 basis for operational flood incident…

Rhys Meredith

Rhys Meredith Finance and Contracts officer Operations support Research interests I am responsible for making sure the NCEO grants are fully utilised. Recent publications Contact details University of Leicester 0116 229 7660…

Rose Meadows

Rose Meadows Outreach Officer for the Earth from SpaceNCEO Support Team Research interests I am passionate about engaging people with a range of STEM subjects and sharing my passion for the Earth…
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Alex Merrington

Alex Merrington Operations ManagerNERC Field Spectroscopy Facility Research interests Near-Earth observation, UAV Spectroscopy, wetland monitoring and management. Contact details NERC Field Spectroscopy Facility (FSF)University of EdinburghRoom 248Grant InstituteJames Hutton RoadEdinburghEH9 3FE +44…

Becca Mills

Becca Mills NCEO Events CoordinatorOperations Support Responsibilities I work with the NCEO Support team based at Leicester and am responsible for the planning and delivery of NCEO Conferences and team events. This…

Bhavna Mistry

Bhavna Mistry Finance OfficerOperations Support Responsibilities Project finance for NCEO research programmes. Contact details National Centre for Earth ObservationSpace Park Leicester92 Corporation RdLeicester LE4 5SP 0116 373 6078 bhm4@le.ac.uk

David Moffat

David Moffat AI and Machine Learning Data Scientist EO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests I am an applied Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning researcher who focuses on the application of techniques to…
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Riccado Monfardini

Riccardo Monfardini PhD StudentEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in land surface temperature, earth observation and data assimialtion. I work on evaluating land surface temeprature data from Land Surface Analysis…

Federica Moscato

Federica Moscato Senior Earth Observation Data Scientist EO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests Data platform, and access to EO data. Recent publications Contact details CEDA Federica.Moscato@stfc.ac.uk

David Moore

David Moore Research Scientist EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in measuring atmospheric composition using space-borne satellite instrumentation. I’ve developed a number of retrieval schemes to measure atmospheric composition from…