Sophie Mosselmans PhD Student (RAL space/ICL)EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests Working on the Universal InfraRed Airborne Spectrometer, specifically the calibration. It will be the first aircraft-based instrument which can spectrally resolve both…
Archives: People (page 4)
Kamil Mroz
Kamil Mroz Radiation and Precipitation Scientist EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests My primary research interests lie in understanding cloud and precipitation processes and their responses to climate change. I specialise in developing…
Nancy K Nichols
Nancy K Nichols Professor of Applied MathematicsData Assimilation Research interests My work is on data assimilation – theory and practice. I am particularly interested in topics on atmospheric and oceanic assimilation, including…
Professor Paul Palmer
Professor Paul Palmer NCEO Science DirectorEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests Atmospheric chemistry, carbon cycle science, inverse modelling, satellite remote sensing. Recent publications Contact details University of Edinburgh 0131 650 7724
Rob Parker
Rob Parker Lecturer in Earth Observation EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests My research interests centre around improving our understanding of key terrestrial processes relevant to climate change, in particular related to the…
Silvia Pardo
Silvia Pardo Earth Observation ScientistEO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests My work is focused on the assessment and development of algorithms for ocean-colour products, and their potential for the detection of climate…
Ivo Pasmans
Ivo Pasmans Postdoctoral Research AssistantData Assimilation Research interests My field of interest is the development of novel data assimilation algorithms to exploit the discontinous Galerkin numerical core of the new neXtSIM_DG sea…
Ankita Pant
Ankita Pant Social Responsibility OfficerOperations Support Research interests My work is focused on strategically guiding the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) initiatives and operational efforts in the organisation, with a focus on…
Fazila Patel
Fazila Patel Digital Communications OfficerOperations Support Responsibilities My role includes managing NCEO’s digital communication acitivities and channels, including social media, newsletter and websites. I create a range of digital content (videos, images,…
Kevin Pearson
Kevin Pearson Senior Research Officer Research interests My primary research interests lie in exploring atmospheric aerosol retrievals from satellites and generating climate datasets. Recent publications Contact details Swansea University N/A
Mike Perry
Mike Perry Postdoctoral Research Associate Research interests I am interested in Land Surface Temperatures, Urban Heating, and Thermal Remote Sensing. I study land surface temperature to understand how different surfaces absorb and…
Sam Pepler
Sam Pepler Curation Manager EO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests I am in charge of the day-to-day operations of the CEDA Archive. This includes overseeing the ingestion process, planning long-term storage, managing…
Shrijana Poudel
Shrijana Poudel PhD studentEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in understanding the response of tropical forests to climate change due to disturbances, such as fire, drought, and deforestation. My research…
Richard Pope
Richard Pope Senior Research Fellow EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in atmosphere-biosphere interactions (e.g. wildfire emissions) and links to air quality. I use atmospheric chemistry models and satellite observations,…
Dr Adam Povey
Dr Adam Povey Lecturer in Earth ObservationEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I observe the interactions between clouds, aerosols, and their environment in order to understand how humans affect the climate, precipitation, and…
Graham Quartly
Graham quartly Physical OceanographerEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in mesoscale and submesoscale ocean currents and eddies and their effect on biology, which underpins the whole marine food web. I…
Prof Tristan Quaife
Prof Tristan Quaife Professor of Climate ScienceData Assimilation Research interests I work at the interface of Earth system models and observations, with a focus on the terrestrial carbon cycle. This encompasses Data…
Shaun Quegan
Shaun Quegan ProfessorEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests Terrestrial carbon cycle, biomass Recent publications Contact details University of Sheffield
Khadijeh Rahmani
Khadijeh Rahmani Research Project Manager Support Team Research interests Entrepreneurship Recent publications Contact details King’s College London N/A
Robbie Ramsay
Robbie Ramsay Earth Observation Equipment Specialist EO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests I operate the in-house optical calibration laboratory for the Field Spectroscopy Facility, ensuring the calibration, validation and quality assurance of…
Visweshwaran Ramesh
Visweshwaran Ramesh Postdoctoral Research Associate Data Assimilation Research interests My work is towards updating the state parameter of the Hydro-JULES model by assimilating UKCEH’s COSMOS soil moisture product along with in-situ streamflow…
Luke Richardson-Foulger
Luke Richardson-Foulger PhD StudentEO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests Wildfire monitoring through earth observation and remote sensing technologies. Evaluating the role peatlands, and peatland wildfires, have on the climate. Recent publications Contact…
Laura Risley
Laura Risley PhD StudentData Assimilation Research interests I am interested in data assimilation. I work on improving the velocity variables that are currently used in ocean data assimilation which is important because…
Ritika Shukla
Ritika Shukla PhD Student Research interests I am interested in laboratory spectroscopy in support of NCEO science programmes. I work on multi-spectrum line fitting of carbon dioxide in the infrared to extract…
Dr Luke Smallman
Dr Luke Smallman Research Fellow – Terrestrial C-dynamics EO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests My research focuses on understanding how terrestrial ecosystems function, their current status and dynamics. Ecosystems are sensitive to…