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Professor Martin Wooster

Divisional Director
EO Instrumentation and Facilities

Research interests

I am interested in all aspects of fire in the Earth system, and on a variety of applications of thermal remote sensing and airborne Earth Observation. I lead the NCEO Division encompassing instrumentation and facilities, including the NCEO Airborne Earth Observatory.

Recent publications

Catastrophic impact of extreme 2019 Indonesian peatland fires on urban air quality and health. 2024-11-02

A Machine Learning Approach to Waterbody Segmentation in Thermal Infrared Imagery in Support of Tactical Wildfire Mapping. 2022-05-08

Orthorectification of Helicopter-Borne High Resolution Experimental Burn Observation from Infra Red Handheld Imagers. 2021-12-03

An Improved Cloud Gap-Filling Method for Longwave Infrared Land Surface Temperatures through Introducing Passive Microwave Techniques. 2021-09-05

Sensors for Fire and Smoke Monitoring. 2021-08-10

Strong impacts of smoke polluted air demonstrated on the flight behaviour of the painted lady butterfly (Vanessa cardui L.). 2021-04

Spectral Emissivity (SE) Measurement Uncertainties across 2.5–14 μm Derived from a Round-Robin Study Made across International Laboratories. 2020-12-30

Inter-Comparison of Field- and Laboratory-Derived Surface Emissivities of Natural and Manmade Materials in Support of Land Surface Temperature (LST) Remote Sensing. 2020-12-17

Top-Down Estimation of Particulate Matter Emissions from Extreme Tropical Peatland Fires Using Geostationary Satellite Fire Radiative Power Observations. 2020-12-10

First study of Sentinel-3 SLSTR active fire detection and FRP retrieval: Night-time algorithm enhancements and global intercomparison to MODIS and VIIRS AF products. 2020-10

Development of the User Requirements for the Canadian WildFireSat Satellite Mission. 2020-09-07

Influence of Satellite Sensor Pixel Size and Overpass Time on Undercounting of Cerrado/Savannah Landscape-Scale Fire Radiative Power (FRP): An Assessment Using the MODIS Airborne Simulator. 2020-05-11

Multi-decade global gas flaring change inventoried using the ATSR-1, ATSR-2, AATSR and SLSTR data records. 2019-10

Radiometric Calibration of ‘Commercial off the Shelf’ Cameras for UAV-Based High-Resolution Temporal Crop Phenotyping of Reflectance and NDVI. 2019-07-11

Fire Activity and Fuel Consumption Dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa. 2018-10-05

Satellite Detection Limitations of Sub-Canopy Smouldering Wildfires in the North American Boreal Forest. 2018-08-10

How Well Does the ‘Small Fire Boost’ Methodology Used within the GFED4.1s Fire Emissions Database Represent the Timing, Location and Magnitude of Agricultural Burning?. 2018-05-25

Flame-Front Rate of Spread Estimates for Moderate Scale Experimental Fires Are Strongly Influenced by Measurement Approach. 2018-05

A new top-down approach for directly estimating biomass burning emissions and fuel consumption rates and totals from geostationary satellite fire radiative power (FRP). 2018-03

New Tropical Peatland Gas and Particulate Emissions Factors Indicate 2015 Indonesian Fires Released Far More Particulate Matter (but Less Methane) than Current Inventories Imply. 2018-03

Shortwave IR Adaption of the Mid-Infrared Radiance Method of Fire Radiative Power (FRP) Retrieval for Assessing Industrial Gas Flaring Output. 2018-02-16

Assessment of Errors Caused by Forest Vegetation Structure in Airborne LiDAR-Derived DTMs. 2017-10-28

Approaches for synergistically exploiting VIIRS I- and M-Band data in regional active fire detection and FRP assessment: A demonstration with respect to agricultural residue burning in Eastern China. 2017-09-01

Direct estimation of Byram's fire intensity from infrared remote sensing imagery. 2017-06-29

Major advances in geostationary fire radiative power (FRP) retrieval over Asia and Australia stemming from use of Himarawi-8 AHI. 2017-05

High Throughput Field Phenotyping of Wheat Plant Height and Growth Rate in Field Plot Trials Using UAV Based Remote Sensing. 2016-12-18

Tropical Peatland Burn Depth and Combustion Heterogeneity Assessed Using UAV Photogrammetry and Airborne LiDAR. 2016-12-06

Atmospheric CH4 and CO2 enhancements and biomass burning emission ratios derived from satellite observations of the 2015 Indonesian fire plumes. 2016-08-11

Biomass burning fuel consumption dynamics in the tropics and subtropics assessed from satellite. 2016-06-28

Assessment of fire emission inventories during the South American Biomass Burning Analysis (SAMBBA) experiment. 2016-06-07

Fire carbon emissions over maritime southeast Asia in 2015 largest since 1997. 2016-05-31

Calibration and evaluation of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index (FWI) System for improved wildland fire danger rating in the United Kingdom. 2016-05-30

A review of approaches to estimate wildfire plume injection height within large-scale atmospheric chemical transport models. 2016-01-26

LSA SAF Meteosat FRP products-Part 1. 2015-11-30

LSA SAF Meteosat FRP products-Part 2. 2015-11-30

New field-based agricultural biomass burning trace gas, PM2.5, and black carbon emission ratios and factors measured in situ at crop residue fires in Eastern China. 2015-11

Specifying the saturation temperature for the HyspIRI 4-μm channel. 2015-09-15

New fire diurnal cycle characterizations to improve fire radiative energy assessments made from MODIS observations. 2015-08-12

Meteosat SEVIRI Fire Radiative Power (FRP) Products from the Land Surface Analysis Satellite Applications Facility (LSA SAF): Part 1 – Algorithms, Product Contents & Analysis. 2015-06-12

Quantifying pyroconvective injection heights using observations of fire energy. 2015-04-29

Major atmospheric emissions from peat fires in Southeast Asia during non-drought years. 2014-08-19

Derivation of an urban materials spectral library through emittance and reflectance spectroscopy. 2014-08

A Decade Long, Multi-Scale Map Comparison of Fire Regime Parameters Derived from Three Publically Available Satellite-Based Fire Products. 2014-05

APIFLAME v1.0. 2014-04-11

Quantification of MODIS fire radiative power ( FRP) measurement uncertainty for use in satellite- based active fire characterization and biomass burning estimation. 2014-03-28

Evaluating the SEVIRI Fire Thermal Anomaly Detection Algorithm across the Central African Republic Using the MODIS Active Fire Product. 2014-03

Development of a multi-temporal Kalman filter approach to geostationary active fire detection & fire radiative power (FRP) estimation. 2014

Experimental confirmation of the MWIR and LWIR grey body assumption for vegetation fire flame emissivity. 2014

New emission factors for Australian vegetation fires measured using open-path Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. 2014

Delineation of Central Business Districts in mega city regions using remotely sensed data. 2013-09

First satellite measurements of carbon dioxide and methane emission ratios in wildfire plumes. 2013-08

Use of Handheld Thermal Imager Data for Airborne Mapping of Fire Radiative Power and Energy and Flame Front Rate of Spread. 2013-06

Risk assessment and management of wildfires. 2013-03

Thermal Infrared Spectroscopy in the Laboratory and Field in Support of Land Surface Remote Sensing. 2013

Space-based observational constraints for 1-D fire smoke plume-rise models. 2012-11-27

Direct measurements of the seasonality of emission factors from savanna fires in northern Australia. 2012-10-27

Sentinel-3 SLSTR active fire detection and FRP product: Pre-launch algorithm development and performance evaluation using MODIS and ASTER datasets. 2012-05-01

Fire, drought and El Nino relationships on Borneo (Southeast Asia) in the pre-MODIS era (1980-2000). 2012

3D radiative transfer modelling of fire impacts on a two-layer savanna system. 2011-08-15

Integration of geostationary FRP and polar-orbiter burned area datasets for an enhanced biomass burning inventory. 2011-08-15

Multi-resolution spectral analysis of wildfire potassium emission signatures using laboratory, airborne and spaceborne remote sensing. 2011-08-15

Addressing the spatiotemporal sampling design of MODIS to provide estimates of the fire radiative energy emitted from Africa. 2011-02-15

Absolute accuracy and sensitivity analysis of OP-FTIR retrievals of CO2, CH4 and CO over concentrations representative of "clean air" and "polluted plumes". 2011

Exploring land surface temperature earthquake precursors: A focus on the Gujarat (India) earthquake of 2001. 2011

Field determination of biomass burning emission ratios and factors via open-path FTIR spectroscopy and fire radiative power assessment. 2011

New GOES imager algorithms for cloud and active fire detection and fire radiative power assessment across North, South and Central America. 2010-09

Soil surface CO2 flux increases with successional time in a fire scar chronosequence of Canadian boreal jack pine forest. 2010

A global Bayesian sensitivity analysis of the 1d SimSphere soil-vegetation-atmospheric transfer (SVAT) model using Gaussian model emulation. 2009-10-10

Development of a virtual active fire product for Africa through a synthesis of geostationary and polar orbiting satellite data. 2009-08

An Overview of the Use of the SimSphere Soil Vegetation Atmosphere Transfer (SVAT) Model for the Study of Land-Atmosphere Interactions. 2009-06

A review of T-s/VI remote sensing based methods for the retrieval of land surface energy fluxes and soil surface moisture. 2009

Annual and diurnal african biomass burning temporal dynamics. 2009

Continental Africa Biomass Burning Temporal Dynamics derived from MSG SEVIRI. 2009

Global characterization of biomass-burning patterns using satellite measurements of fire radiative energy. 2008-06-16

Fire detection and fire characterization over Africa using Meteosat SEVIRI. 2008-04

Relationships between energy release, fuel mass loss, and trace gas and aerosol emissions during laboratory biomass fires. 2008-01-16

Laboratory investigation of fire radiative energy and smoke aerosol emissions. 2008

Modelling of urban sensible heat flux at multiple spatial scales: a demonstration using airborne hyperspectral imagery of Shanghai and a temperature-emissivity separation approach. 2008

Remote sensing: sensors and systems. 2007-02

Production of Landsat ETM plus reference imagery of burned areas within Southern African savannahs: comparison of methods and application to MODIS. 2007-01

Retrieval of biomass combustion rates and totals from fire radiative power observations: FRP derivation and calibration relationships between biomass consumption and fire radiative energy release. 2005-12-27

Retrieval of biomass combustion rates and totals from fire radiative power observations: Application to southern Africa using geostationary SEVIRI imagery. 2005-11-16

Testing the potential of multi-spectral remote sensing for retrospectively estimating fire severity in African Savannahs. 2005-07-15

Fire in African savanna: Testing the impact of incomplete combustion on pyrogenic emissions estimates. 2005-06

Boreal forest fires burn less intensely in Russia than in North America. 2004-10-28

Sulfur, heat, and magma budget of Erta 'Ale lava lake, Ethiopia. 2004-06

Biomass Burning Emissions Inventories: Modelling and remote sensing of fire intensity and biomass combustion rates. 2004

Near real-time modelling of regional scale soil erosion using AVHRR and METEOSAT data. 2004

Monthly burned area and forest fire carbon emission estimates for the Russian Federation from SPOT VGT. 2003-09-15

Volumetric characteristics of lava flows from interferometric radar and multispectral satellite data: the 1995 Fernandina and 1998 Cerro Azul eruptions in the western Galapagos. 2003-07

Fire radiative energy for quantitative study of biomass burning: derivation from the BIRD experimental satellite and comparison to MODIS fire products. 2003-06-30

Small-scale experimental testing of fire radiative energy for quantifying mass combusted in natural vegetation fires. 2002-11-01

Exogenous and endogenous growth of the Unzen lava dome examined by satellite infrared image analysis. 2002-07

Texture based feature extraction: application to burn scar detection in Earth observation satellite sensor imagery. 2002-04-20

Study of the 1997 Borneo fires: Quantitative analysis using global area coverage (GAC) satellite data. 2002-03

Derivation and validation of the seasonal thermal structure of Lake Malawi using multi-satellite AVHRR observations. 2001-10-15

Testing the accuracy of solar-reflected radiation corrections applied during satellite shortwave infrared thermal analysis of active volcanoes. 2001-07-10

Long-term infrared surveillance of Lascar Volcano: contrasting activity cycles and cooling pyroclastics. 2001-03-01

Documenting surface magmatic activity at Mount Etna using ATSR remote sensing. 2001

Discrimination of lava dome activity styles using satellite-derived thermal structures. 2000-10

Effusion rate trends at Etna and Krafla and their implications for eruptive mechanisms. 2000

High temperature thermal activity from MSG SEVIRI: Volcanoes and fires. 2000