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Our People

Rob Parker

Lecturer in Earth Observation

EO Data-Model Evaluation

Research interests

My research interests centre around improving our understanding of key terrestrial processes relevant to climate change, in particular related to the carbon cycle, methane and wildfires. I work with data and models, bringing them together with machine learning and developing Digital Twins.

Recent publications

Community input for a how-to guide for using fire models.. 2025-01-20

Probabilistic assessment of extreme fire risk under the impact of climate change. 2025-01-20

China's methane emissions derived from the inversion of GOSAT observations with a CMAQ and EnKS-based regional data assimilation system. 2025-01

Inverse modeling of 2010–2022 satellite observations shows that inundation of the wet tropics drove the 2020–2022 methane surge. 2024-10

Assessing methane emissions from collapsing Venezuelan oil production using TROPOMI. 2023-12-19

Scenario choice impacts carbon allocation projection at global warming levels. 2023-12-13

A blended TROPOMI+GOSAT satellite data product for atmospheric methane using machine learning to correct retrieval biases. 2023-08-18

Atmospheric data support a multi-decadal shift in the global methane budget towards natural tropical emissions. 2023-07-28

Observed changes in China’s methane emissions linked to policy drivers. 2023-05-15

Methane emissions are predominantly responsible for record-breaking atmospheric methane growth rates in 2020 and 2021. 2023-04-25

A blended TROPOMI+GOSAT satellite data product for atmospheric methane using machine learning to correct retrieval biases. 2023-03-10

Towards a Digital Twin of the Carbon Cycle in Europe. 2023-02-26

Choice of Forecast Scenario Impacts the Carbon Allocation at the Same Global Warming Levels. 2023-01-04

Evaluation of wetland CH4 in the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES) land surface model using satellite observations. 2022-12-16

Observed changes in China’s methane emissions linked to policy drivers. 2022-10-11

Atmospheric data support a multi-decadal shift in the global methane budget towards natural tropical emissions. 2022-09-02

Attribution of the 2020 surge in atmospheric methane by inverse analysis of GOSAT observations. 2022-09-01

Very large fluxes of methane measured above Bolivian seasonal wetlands. 2022-08-09

Description and Evaluation of an Emission‐Driven and Fully Coupled Methane Cycle in UKESM1. 2022-07

Methane emissions responsible for record-breaking atmospheric methane growth rates in 2020 and 2021. 2022-06-17

Retrieval of greenhouse gases from GOSAT and GOSAT-2 using the FOCAL algorithm. 2022-06-09

Methane point source detection and quantification from high-resolution satellite observations and deep learning methods. 2022-03-28

Retrieval of greenhouse gases from GOSAT and greenhouse gases and carbon monoxide from GOSAT-2 using the FOCAL algorithm. 2022-03-21

Tropical methane emissions explain large fraction of recent changes in global atmospheric methane growth rate. 2022-03-16

An integrated analysis of contemporary methane emissions and concentration trends over China using in situ and satellite observations and model simulations. 2022-01-24

Evaluation of Wetland CH4 in the JULES Land Surface Model Using Satellite Observations. 2022-01-12

Methane Growth Rate Estimation and Its Causes in Western Canada Using Satellite Observations. 2021-11-16

The added value of satellite observations of methane forunderstanding the contemporary methane budget. 2021-11-15

Sustained methane emissions from China after 2012 despite declining coal production and rice-cultivated area. 2021-10-01

Large Methane Emissions From the Pantanal During Rising Water‐Levels Revealed by Regularly Measured Lower Troposphere CH4 Profiles. 2021-10

Global distribution of methane emissions: a comparative inverse analysis of observations from the TROPOMI and GOSAT satellite instruments. 2021-09-24

Accelerating methane growth rate from 2010 to 2017: leading contributions from the tropics and East Asia. 2021-08-25

An integrated analysis of contemporary methane emissions and concentration trends over China using in situ, satellite observations, and model simulations. 2021-08-19

Supplementary material to "An integrated analysis of contemporary methane emissions and concentration trends over China using in situ, satellite observations, and model simulations". 2021-08-19

Estimates of North African Methane Emissions from 2010 to 2017 Using GOSAT Observations. 2021-08-10

Large and increasing methane emissions from eastern Amazonia derived from satellite data, 2010–2018. 2021-07-14

Characterizing model errors in chemical transport modeling of methane: using GOSAT XCH<sub>4</sub> data with weak-constraint four-dimensional variational data assimilation. 2021-06-24

Ozone-induced gross primary productivity reductions over European forests inferred from satellite observations. 2021-05-18

Global methane budget and trend, 2010–2017: complementarity of inverse analyses using in situ (GLOBALVIEWplus CH<sub>4</sub> ObsPack) and satellite (GOSAT) observations. 2021-03-25

2010–2015 North American methane emissions, sectoral contributions, and trends: a high-resolution inversion of GOSAT observations of atmospheric methane. 2021-03-22

Attribution of the accelerating increase in atmospheric methane during 2010–2018 by inverse analysis of GOSAT observations. 2021-03-10

Rain-fed pulses of methane from East Africa during 2018–2019 contributed to atmospheric growth rate. 2021-02-01

Toward High Precision XCO 2 Retrievals From TanSat Observations: Retrieval Improvement and Validation Against TCCON Measurements. 2020-11-27

Exploring constraints on a wetland methane emission ensemble (WetCHARTs) using GOSAT observations. 2020-11-23

The Significance of Fast Radiative Transfer for Hyperspectral SWIR XCO2 Retrievals. 2020-11-12

Large and increasing methane emissions from Eastern Amazonia derived from satellite data, 2010–2018. 2020-11-10

Earth system music: music generated from the United Kingdom Earth System Model (UKESM1). 2020-09-11

Exploring Constraints on a Wetland Methane Emission Ensemble (WetCHARTs) using GOSAT Satellite Observations. 2020-07-31

The Global Methane Budget 2000–2017. 2020-07-15

Accelerating methane growth rate from 2010 to 2017: leading contributions from the tropics and East Asia. 2020-07-10

Supplementary material to "Accelerating methane growth rate from 2010 to 2017: leading contributions from the tropics and East Asia". 2020-07-10

A Decade of GOSAT Proxy Satellite CH4 Observations. 2020-07-03

Quantifying sources of Brazil's CH4 emissions between 2010 and 2018 from satellite data. 2020-06-16

Earth System Music: the methodology and reach of music generated from the United Kingdom Earth System Model. 2020-01-17

Supplementary material to "Earth System Music: the methodology and reach of music generated from the United Kingdom Earth System Model". 2020-01-17

A new space-borne perspective of crop productivity variations over the US Corn Belt. 2020

Ensemble-based satellite-derived carbon dioxide and methane column-averaged dry-air mole fraction data sets (2003-2018) for carbon and climate applications. 2020

Characterizing model errors in chemical transport modeling of methane: Impact of model resolution in versions v9-02 of GEOS-Chem and v35j of its adjoint model. 2019-11-15

Characterizing model errors in chemical transport modelling of methane: Using GOSAT XCH4 data with weak constraint four-dimensional variational data assimilation. 2019-11-15

Supplementary material to "Global atmospheric carbon monoxide budget 2000–2017 inferred from multi-species atmospheric inversions". 2019-05-09

An increase in methane emissions from tropical Africa between 2010 and 2016 inferred from satellite data. 2019

Global atmospheric carbon monoxide budget 2000-2017 inferred from multi-species atmospheric inversions. 2019

Global distribution of methane emissions, emission trends, and OH concentrations and trends inferred from an inversion of GOSAT satellite data for 2010-2015. 2019

UKESM1: Description and Evaluation of the U.K. Earth System Model. 2019

2010-2016 methane trends over Canada, the United States, and Mexico observed by the GOSAT satellite: Contributions from different source sectors. 2018

A measurement-based verification framework for UK greenhouse gas emissions: An overview of the Greenhouse gAs Uk and Global Emissions (GAUGE) project. 2018

Attribution of recent increases in atmospheric methane through 3-D inverse modelling. 2018

Computation and analysis of atmospheric carbon dioxide annual mean growth rates from satellite observations during 2003-2016. 2018

Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) global satellite observations of atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane. 2018

Evaluating year-to-year anomalies in tropical wetland methane emissions using satellite CH<inf>4</inf> observations. 2018

Tropical land carbon cycle responses to 2015/16 El Niño as recorded by atmospheric greenhouse gas and remote sensing data. 2018

Atmospheric observations show accurate reporting and little growth in India's methane emissions. 2017

Consistent regional fluxes of CH<inf>4</inf> and CO<inf>2</inf> inferred from GOSAT proxy XCH<inf>4</inf>:XCO<inf>2</inf> retrievals, 2010-2014. 2017

Global height-resolved methane retrievals from the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) on MetOp. 2017

Global satellite observations of column-averaged carbon dioxide and methane: The GHG-CCI XCO<inf>2</inf> and XCH<inf>4</inf> CRDP3 data set. 2017

Satellite-derived methane hotspot emission estimates using a fast data-driven method. 2017

Study of the footprints of short-term variation in XCO<inf>2</inf> observed by TCCON sites using NIES and FLEXPART atmospheric transport models. 2017

Consistent regional fluxes of CH4 and CO2 inferred from GOSAT proxy XCH4:XCO2 retrievals, 2010–2014. 2016-10-24

Response to Referee #1. 2016-06-22

Response to Referee #2. 2016-06-22

Atmospheric CH<inf>4</inf> and CO<inf>2</inf> enhancements and biomass burning emission ratios derived from satellite observations of the 2015 Indonesian fire plumes. 2016

CH<inf>4</inf> concentrations over the Amazon from GOSAT consistent with in situ vertical profile data. 2016

Estimates of European uptake of CO<inf>2</inf> inferred from GOSAT X<inf>CO2</inf> retrievals: Sensitivity to measurement bias inside and outside Europe. 2016

Role of regional wetland emissions in atmospheric methane variability. 2016

The GHG-CCI project of ESA's climate change initiative: Data products and application. 2016

Quantifying lower tropospheric methane concentrations using near-IR and thermal IR satellite measurements: comparison to the GEOS-Chem model. 2015-04-20

Elevated uptake of CO2 over Europe inferred from GOSAT XCO2 retrievals: a real phenomenon or an artefact of the analysis?. 2015-01-21

Assessing 5 years of GOSAT Proxy XCH4 data and associated uncertainties. 2015

Does GOSAT capture the true seasonal cycle of carbon dioxide?. 2015

Estimating global and North American methane emissions with high spatial resolution using GOSAT satellite data. 2015

Inverse modelling of CH<inf>4</inf> emissions for 2010-2011 using different satellite retrieval products from GOSAT and SCIAMACHY. 2015

Natural and anthropogenic methane fluxes in Eurasia: A mesoscale quantification by generalized atmospheric inversion. 2015

Quantifying lower tropospheric methane concentrations using GOSAT near-IR and TES thermal IR measurements. 2015

The Greenhouse Gas Climate Change Initiative (GHG-CCI): Comparison and quality assessment of near-surface-sensitive satellite-derived CO<inf>2</inf> and CH<inf>4</inf> global data sets. 2015

The greenhouse gas project of Esa's climate change initiative (GHG-CCI): Overview, achievements and future plans. 2015

Inverse modeling of CH4 emissions for 2010–2011 using different satellite retrieval products from GOSAT and SCIAMACHY. 2014-05-08

Supplementary material to "Inverse modeling of CH4 emissions for 2010–2011 using different satellite retrieval products from GOSAT and SCIAMACHY". 2014-05-08

Estimating regional fluxes of CO<inf>2</inf> and CH<inf>4</inf> using space-borne observations of XCH<inf>2</inf>: XCO<inf>2</inf>. 2014

Influence of differences in current GOSAT X <inf>CO2</inf> retrievals on surface flux estimation. 2014

Natural and anthropogenic methane fluxes in Eurasia: A meso-scale quantification by generalized atmospheric inversion. 2014

On the consistency between global and regional methane emissions inferred from SCIAMACHY, TANSO-FTS, IASI and surface measurements. 2014

Satellite-inferred European carbon sink larger than expected. 2014

Spatially resolving methane emissions in California: Constraints from the CalNex aircraft campaign and from present (GOSAT, TES) and future (TROPOMI, geostationary) satellite observations. 2014

The greenhouse gas climate change initiative (GHG-CCI): Comparative validation of GHG-CCI SCIAMACHY/ENVISAT and TANSO-FTS/GOSAT CO<inf>2</inf> and CH<inf>4</inf> retrieval algorithm products with measurements from the TCCON. 2014

The Greenhouse Gas Climate Change Initiative (GHG-CCI): comparative validation of GHG-CCI SCIAMACHY/ENVISAT and TANSO-FTS/GOSAT CO2 and CH4 retrieval algorithm products with measurements from the TCCON network. 2013-10-02

A joint effort to deliver satellite retrieved atmospheric CO2 concentrations for surface flux inversions: The ensemble median algorithm EMMA. 2013

Effects of atmospheric light scattering on spectroscopic observations of greenhouse gases from space. Part 2: Algorithm intercomparison in the GOSAT data processing for CO<inf>2</inf> retrievals over TCCON sites. 2013

Estimating regional methane surface fluxes: The relative importance of surface and GOSAT mole fraction measurements. 2013

First satellite measurements of carbon dioxide and methane emission ratios in wildfire plumes. 2013

HDO/H<inf>2</inf>O ratio retrievals from GOSAT. 2013

Atmospheric carbon dioxide retrieved from the Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite (GOSAT): Comparison with ground-based TCCON observations and GEOS-Chem model calculations. 2012

Acetylene C<inf>2</inf>H<inf>2</inf> retrievals from MIPAS data and regions of enhanced upper tropospheric concentrations in August 2003. 2011

Methane observations from the Greenhouse Gases Observing SATellite: Comparison to ground-based TCCON data and model calculations. 2011

Intercomparison of integrated IASI and AATSR calibrated radiances at 11 and 12 μm. 2009

Observations of an atmospheric chemical equator and its implications for the tropical warm pool region. 2008

Signatures of atmospheric and surface climate variables through analyses of infra-red spectra (SATSCAN-IR). 2006

Contact details

University of Leicester