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Earth Observation DataHub End User and Stakeholder Forum July 2024

11 July 2024
Invitation to: Earth Observation DataHub End User and Stakeholder Forum July 2024
The Earth Observation DataHub (EODH) is a UK pathfinder project that will support government, business and academia with access to global Earth Observation data. The Hub’s development commenced earlier this year and this event will update stakeholders and potential users on the path to system deployment and availability.
The agenda includes an overview of the Hub, a presentation by technical partners Telespazio, Sparkgeo and Oxidian, to demonstrate the design of the Hub’s portal, and discussion of the EODH community engagement/access plan. The EODH’s project team will use this opportunity to gather input from end users to inform the implementation pathways of the Hub and guide priorities in the staging of access. If you are engaging with us for the first time you might like to learn more about the project by visiting eodatahub.org.uk.
You are invited to the third End User and Stakeholder Forum Meeting for the Earth Observation Data Hub, co-chaired by NCEO and Satellite Applications Catapult.
Join us online on Thursday 11 July 2024, from 13:00-15:00 (GMT).
The event will offer insights into the Hub system performance, implementation timelines, and provide an opportunity for user feedback.
Reserve your place on the Eventbrite page
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