Eviatar Bach Lecturer in Mathematics of Environmental Data Science Research interests I am interested in data assimilation and environmental inverse problems, as well as predictability of the Earth system. I work on…
Institute: University of Reading
Prof Richard Allan
Prof Richard Allan Professor of Climate ScienceEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I use Earth Observation data to explore fluctuations in clouds, water vapour, rainfall and the Earth’s radiative energy balance to improve…
Deep S. Banerjee
Deep S. Banerjee Modelling ScientistEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in Numerical Ocean Models (Biogeo chemical and physical), Data Assimilation, Ocean Observation networks and model validation and Machine learning. I…
Dr Ross Bannister
Dr Ross Bannister NCEO Research FellowData Assimilation Research interests I am interested in inverse problems relating to the Earth system using data assimilation, which helps to infer valuable information about the environment,…
Claire Bulgin
Claire Bulgin Senior Research ScientistEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in the use of satellite data to understand climate change. I work on the development and application of surface temperature…
Dr Yumeng Chen
Dr Yumeng Chen Data Assimilation Scientific ProgrammerData Assimilation Research interests I am interested in the implementation of data assimilation and its applications to climate systems. I work on the parameter estimations in…
Professor Sarah Dance
Professor Sarah Dance NCEO Divisional Director of Data Assimilation and Professor of Data AssimilationData Assimilation Research interests I am interested in data assimilation, the science of combining mathematical models with observation data.…
Dr Simon Driscoll
Dr Simon Driscoll PhD Student Research interests I am interested in using machine learning to learn sub-grid scale thermodynamical processes (those of melt ponds) in Arctic sea ice – this is important…
Dr Natalie Douglas
Dr Natalie Douglas Postdoctoral Research AssistantData Assimilation Research interests I am interested in Data Assimilation and Land Surface Models. I work on implementing 4DEnVar, a comparatively simple and cost effective data assimilation…
Alison Fowler
Alison Fowler Research FellowData Assimilation Research interests My work focuses on the development of data assimilation theory and its application to meteorology and oceanography. I am particularly interested in bias correction and…
Ieuan Higgs
Ieuan Higgs PhD StudentData Assimilation Research interests Using machine learning to improve data assimilation methods in marine biogeochemical models. Recent publications Contact details University of Reading 07546540567 i.higgs@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Guannan Hu
Guannan Hu Postdoctoral Research AssistantData Assimilation Research interests I am interested in data assimilation and observation impacts in numerical weather prediction. I work on improving the speed and accuracy of data assimilation,…
Krupa Nanda Kumar
Krupa Nanda Kumar Climate Services Development ManagerOperations Support Research interests Bridging the gap between satellite climate science research, commercialisation and industry uptake. Recent publications Contact details University of Reading 0118 987 5123…
Professor Amos Lawless
Professor Amos Lawless Professor of Data AssimilationData Assimilation Research interests I am interested in the mathematical theory of data assimilation and its application to environmental problems. I work on developing new methods…
Ross Maidment
Ross Maidment Earth Observation ScientistData Assimilation Research interests I am interested in using satellite information to support the generation of climate services, with a particular interest over Africa. As an Earth Observation…
David Mason
David Mason Postdoctoral Research Associate Data Assimilation Research interests I am interested in urban flood detection using Synthetic Aperture Radar, enabling detection of flooding on a 24/7 basis for operational flood incident…
Riccado Monfardini
Riccardo Monfardini PhD StudentEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in land surface temperature, earth observation and data assimialtion. I work on evaluating land surface temeprature data from Land Surface Analysis…
Nancy K Nichols
Nancy K Nichols Professor of Applied MathematicsData Assimilation Research interests My work is on data assimilation – theory and practice. I am particularly interested in topics on atmospheric and oceanic assimilation, including…
Ivo Pasmans
Ivo Pasmans Postdoctoral Research AssistantData Assimilation Research interests My field of interest is the development of novel data assimilation algorithms to exploit the discontinous Galerkin numerical core of the new neXtSIM_DG sea…
Prof Tristan Quaife
Prof Tristan Quaife Professor of Climate ScienceData Assimilation Research interests I work at the interface of Earth system models and observations, with a focus on the terrestrial carbon cycle. This encompasses Data…
Visweshwaran Ramesh
Visweshwaran Ramesh Postdoctoral Research Associate Data Assimilation Research interests My work is towards updating the state parameter of the Hydro-JULES model by assimilating UKCEH’s COSMOS soil moisture product along with in-situ streamflow…
Laura Risley
Laura Risley PhD StudentData Assimilation Research interests I am interested in data assimilation. I work on improving the velocity variables that are currently used in ocean data assimilation which is important because…
Thea Stevens
Thea Stevens PhD StudentEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests Analysing upper tropospheric humidity variability and trends through satellite observation and models. Recent publications Contact details University of Reading 0118 987 5123 Thea.stevens@pgr.ac.uk
Sally Stevens
Sally Stevens Communications and Engagement ManagerSpace4Climate Research interests Earth Observation for climate. Recent publications Contact details University of Reading 0118 987 5123 s.stevens@reading.ac.uk
Meg Stretton
Meg Stretton Postdoctoral Research AssistantEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in radiative transfer modelling, and how we can better represent the land surface (e.g., cities, vegetation) in models. Currently, I…