Why are estimates of global terrestrial isoprene emissions so similar (and why is this not so for monoterpenes)?
Estimating surface CO2 fluxes from space-borne CO2 dry air mole fraction observations using an ensemble Kalman Filter
A quantitative assessment of uncertainties affecting estimates of global mean OH derived from methyl chloroform observations
Some implications of sampling choices on comparisons between satellite and model aerosol optical depth fields
On the impact of transport model errors for the estimation of CO2 surface fluxes from GOSAT observations
Overview: oxidant and particle photochemical processes above a south-east Asian tropical rainforest (the OP3 project): introduction, rationale, location characteristics and tools
Overview: oxidant and particle photochemical processes above a south-east Asian tropical rainforest (the OP3 project): introduction, rationale, location characteristics and tools (vol 10, pg 169, 2010)
Spatial resolution of tropical terrestrial CO2 fluxes inferred using space-borne column CO2 sampled in different earth orbits: the role of spatial error correlations
Global atmospheric budget of acetaldehyde: 3-D model analysis and constraints from in-situ and satellite observations
Verifying national inventory-based combustion emissions of CO2 across the UK and mainland Europe using satellite observations of atmospheric CO and CO2
Quantifying the response of the ORAC aerosol optical depth retrieval for MSG SEVIRI to aerosol model assumptions
Methane observations from the Greenhouse Gases Observing SATellite: Comparison to ground-based TCCON data and model calculations
Evaluating a 3-D transport model of atmospheric CO2 using ground-based, aircraft, and space-borne data
Evaluation of a photosynthesis-based biogenic isoprene emission scheme in JULES and simulation of isoprene emissions under present-day climate conditions
Biomass burning emission estimates inferred from satellite column measurements of HCHO: Sensitivity to co-emitted aerosol and injection height
Ethane, ethyne and carbon monoxide concentrations in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere from ACE and GEOS-Chem: a comparison study
Seasonal variability of tropical wetland CH4 emissions: the role of the methanogen-available carbon pool
The influence of boreal biomass burning emissions on the distribution of tropospheric ozone over North America and the North Atlantic during 2010