Atmospheric carbon dioxide retrieved from the Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite (GOSAT): Comparison with ground-based TCCON observations and GEOS-Chem model calculations
Quantifying the impact of BOReal forest fires on Tropospheric oxidants over the Atlantic using Aircraft and Satellites (BORTAS) experiment: design, execution and science overview
The Australian bushfires of February 2009: MIPAS observations and GEM-AQ model results (vol 13, pg 1637, 2013)
The influence of biomass burning on the global distribution of selected non-methane organic compounds
Investigation of CO, C2H6 and aerosols in a boreal fire plume over eastern Canada during BORTAS 2011 using ground- and satellite-based observations and model simulations
Off-line algorithm for calculation of vertical tracer transport in the troposphere due to deep convection
Probabilistic estimation of future emissions of isoprene and surface oxidant chemistry associated with land-use change in response to growing food needs
Airborne observations of trace gases over boreal Canada during BORTAS: campaign climatology, air mass analysis and enhancement ratios
Estimating regional methane surface fluxes: the relative importance of surface and GOSAT mole fraction measurements
Identifying the sources driving observed PM2.5 temporal variability over Halifax, Nova Scotia, during BORTAS-B
Airborne hydrogen cyanide measurements using a chemical ionisation mass spectrometer for the plume identification of biomass burning forest fires (vol 13, pg 9217, 2013)
Toward robust and consistent regional CO2 flux estimates from in situ and spaceborne measurements of atmospheric CO2
A case study of aerosol scavenging in a biomass burning plume over eastern Canada during the 2011 BORTAS field experiment