National Capability

The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), invests in NCEO to ensure the UK has national capability in observations of the Earth from satellites, global environmental data and mathematical techniques to guide predictive models.

Explore our national capability projects and programmes to see how NCEO is making a difference:


AgZero+ is a  five-year research programme supporting the UK’s transition towards domestic food production that is sustainable, carbon-neutral and has a positive effect on nature. The programme brings together a community of researchers and farmers to evaluate innovative farming methods and to define practical pathways to achieving “net zero plus” arable and livestock farm systems. 

AgZero+ will provide data from national sensor networks, satellites and a network of commercial study farms and study catchments. These will be made available to the research community and other stakeholders through data portals and advanced digital tools to support environmental planning and management.  

NCEO role in the programme  

Professor Mat Disney, Principal Investigator NCEO based at UCL will be coordinating the NCEO contribution to AgZero+, by developing new satellite-derived tools for crop monitoring and yield forecasting at national scales. 

Funding and partners  

The UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) lead the implementation and support its operation working in partnership with NERC, BBSRC, Rothamsted Research Institute, British Geological Survey, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, and NCEO. 

AgZero+ is funded with £7.8 million from the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and £5 million from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC). 


Climate change in the Arctic-North Atlantic Region and Impacts on the UK (CANARI). This project focuses on how weather and extremes in the UK will change over the next few decades in response to climate change.

CANARI is a cross-centre project funded by NERC and led by NCAS, bringing together scientists and expertise from NCAS, NCEO, Met Office, BAS, BGS, UKCEH, NOC and CPOM. A cross-disciplinary approach is required to understand warming of the Arctic and North Atlantic region, which is unprecedented in historical records. CANARI will improve our ability to detect and predict changes in the Arctic system that directly impact UK weather and extremes including droughts, floods, heatwaves and high winds.

CANARI looks at the real-life impact of climate change in the Arctic on weather and extremes in the UK.

Dr Claire Bulgin
NCEO Senior Research Scientist, based at the University of Reading.

Key research groups

NCEO contributions to CANARI are led by Claire Bulgin at the University of Reading. The wider team consists of remote sensing scientists in surface temperature at the University of Reading and University of Leicester, data assimilation experts at the University of Reading and cold-air outbreak/radar experts at the University of Leicester. Cold-air outbreak research is done in collaboration with scientists at the University of Leeds.


NCEO International Science

The water and carbon cycles are intrinsically linked, and NCEO has significant expertise in new types of satellite derived observations and modelling that have the potential to provide new insights into the processes via which these processes are coupled.

Constraining Coupled Carbon & Water Cycle Processes with Earth Observation (CPEO), NCEO’s International Science Programme, has the overarching aim to better understand the linkages between the water and vegetation productivity from plot to continental scales so as to better understand how these processes should be represented in climate models. In particular the CPEO programme seeks to exploit NCEO’s expertise in retrievals of Solar Induced Fluorescence (SIF) and Carbonyl Sulfide (COS). SIF is the only direct observation of the process of photosynthesis available from EO and COS acts as a tracer for stomatal conductance, both vital pieces of information for understanding the water and carbon cycles.

We are collaborating with a number of international organisations and world leading experts to build up communities proactive in this area and help strengthen the exploitation of NCEO’s data products. Geographically, our focus is on North America, which is emerging as one of the critical continental-scale test beds for the next decade due to the in-situ networks and current/future satellite missions/expertise in place for SIF and COS complementing NCEO satellite datasets.

Our goal is to improve understanding of these processes, to enable better predictions of climate change and, in turn, the impact of climate change vegetation.  

Key research groups

CPEO is distributed across several NCEO institutions: University of Reading, UCL, UKCEH, University of Leicester and the University of Leeds.



Global climate change is the leading environmental challenge facing humanity today. The TerraFIRMA project’s goal is to provide reliable scientific advice to decision makers in the government and the private sector on the risks and socioeconomic impacts of a changing climate as well as mitigation options for future change.

TerraFIRMA addresses opportunities to meet the UNFCCC Paris Agreement target of keeping global warming below 2°C  as well as the risks associated with exceeding this target.

This will be accomplished through the delivery of a suite of novel future climate projections using the UK’s flagship climate model, the UK Earth System Model (UKESM). We will investigate the risks and impacts associated with overshooting key global warming targets as well as the reversibility of any triggered changes due to these impacts. The project will also assess a range of mitigation options to limit future changes directed at policy goals associated with air quality, human health and food security.

An expected outcome from TerraFIRMA is an improved understanding of key Earth system phenomena and their interactions resulting in a new configuration of the UK Earth System Model, UKESM2.

NCEO datasets and software developed by NCEO scientists will play an important role in evaluating the scientific developments in UKESM2.

The TerraFIRMA project brings together expertise in the Earth System sciences in the UK to better understand future impacts, risks and mitigation options under a changing climate.

Dr Ranjini Swaminathan
NCEO UKESM Core Scientist, based at the University of Reading.

Key research groups

TerraFIRMA involves eight Centres (National Centre for Atmospheric Science, British Antarctic Survey, British Geological Survey, Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling, National Centre for Earth Observation, National Oceanography Centre, Plymouth Marine Laboratory and UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology) funded through UKRI-NERC National Capability. The Met Office Hadley Centre is a key partner to TerraFIRMA.

TerraFIRMA also has synergetic links with other NERC multi-centre projects such as CANARI and international EU funded projects such as OptimESM and TipESM.